

Ọjọ́ 6 nínú 7

By Faith

One of the greatest assaults when being overwhelmed is the attack on your faith.

It is so easy and natural to believe the lie that you will continue to be overwhelmed, stressed, stuck, and defeated when you believe God isn’t for you, forget His faithfulness, fight in your own strength, and have the wrong perspective.

Faith is trusting and resting in the Lord. Faith is believing God’s promise and His flawless nature, no matter what is trying to overwhelm you. Faith says, “Lord, at this moment, in this season, I feel overwhelmed. The giant is before me, but I thank you that you are greater than this giant, and your Word says…” Faith is resting in God’s Word because a word can only go as far as one’s nature and character. God’s nature is holy, perfect, pure, and good. Therefore, God’s Word is reliable.

King Saul doubted, feared, and ran away from Goliath since he was overwhelmed. David hurried and ran towards Goliath because he believed the Lord Almighty would overwhelm the giant. David’s faith in the Lord’s promise and power was evident in what He said: “This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you…I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air…the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands” (1 Samuel 17:46-47, emphasis mine).

It’s important to note that David did not just get filled with faith in the Lord when he walked on the scene. We must remember that David believed God would use him to overwhelm what was overwhelming the men of Israel because he knew God was for His people. His focus and perspective were on the Lord and he remembered God’s hand on his life in the past. He knew the power of the name of the Lord, and he was certainly dependent on God.

Not only that, but David was a man who had a close relationship with God. We see this in the Psalms as David often prayed and sought the face of God (Psalm 27:8). David was hungry for God’s presence. David was a worshiper of the Lord. God said of David that he was a man after His heart (1 Samuel 13:14). David poured his heart out to the Lord and wanted to know the heart of God. David’s faith was built day by day, prior to this overwhelming moment, through relationship and intimacy with the Lord. Consequently, when he approached Goliath, he approached knowing God was with him, fully persuaded that God would overwhelm this giant.

Make it a priority in your life to pursue the Lord’s heart and His Word with all of your heart. Build your faith through what God says (Romans 10:17). Ask the Lord to remove any doubt in the midst of what is overwhelming you. Be assured that the Lord is ready to overwhelm the giant. Trust Him with your whole heart (Proverbs 3:5-6). Rest in the Lord; do not fear (Psalm 34, 1 John 4:18). God doesn’t want you overwhelmed by the giant, but consumed by His goodness and grace. Be assured and confident that you will valiantly overcome (1 John 5:4-5).

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Life can get overwhelming, but it is the will of God for you to live in victory facing life’s challenges. In this 7-day Bible plan, Matt Muscatell helps you discover that God has provided a way for you to overwhelm that which seeks to overwhelm you.
