Seek Àpẹrẹ


Ọjọ́ 4 nínú 21

Day 4

Pastor Scott Misar

Topic: Sanctification

Scripture Reference: Joshua 3:2–5


In our Scripture reading today, Joshua and the people of Israel were preparing to cross over the Jordan River and inherit the land that was promised to them. Israel had just concluded their time of wilderness wandering for a staggering 40 years. After being delivered from over 200 years of Egyptian slavery, the people had endured 40 years of wandering, confusion, and frustration—40 years of death, bitterness, and hopelessness. Yet these long years had been dotted all throughout with moments of God’s faithfulness and supernatural provision. He had never forsaken them.

In our Scripture verses today, Joshua instructed the people to get up and follow behind the ark of the covenant into their inheritance. The ark was the focal point of God’s presence with His people. His Spirit rested there. Holy is the only word that begins to describe the ark of the covenant. The people were to follow behind the ark but at a distance of about 3,000 feet. Why? Because the ark was the most tangible place of God’s presence in the entire world. Joshua commanded the people to sanctify themselves in preparation for this event. Interestingly, this word sanctify is the same Hebrew word that is translated “holy” or “consecrate” elsewhere in Scripture.

You may ask, “If Israel made themselves holy like the ark of the covenant, then why did they still have to stay ten football fields away?” That is a great question. Though it can be hard for us to understand today, ancient people thought of God a lot like we think of electricity. It’s always around us, giving light, power, security, and comfort. It’s an integral part of our lives, yet we also know the danger of electrical current.

Don’t try this at home, but what might happen if you stick a fork into an electrical outlet? It wouldn't be pretty. Rather, we have transformers, circuit breakers, and insulated wiring as tools that help us interact with the incredible power of electricity. In the same way, God gave the Israelites special tools and instructions that allowed them to properly interact with His presence. The ark of the covenant was one, and the act of sanctification was another. The ark was holy. God gave the Israelites special instructions to help them become holy as well. Practices like circumcision and observing the Sabbath were important parts of this sanctification process.

Now, for Christ followers today, it is Jesus who sanctifies us as we continue to trust Him. He gives us wonderful tools like baptism, Scripture, and Christian community that help sanctify us. God partnered with Joshua and the people of Israel. Just as He led the way through the wilderness, He would lead the way into the Promised Land. Not only that, but did you catch what Joshua said in verse 5? “For tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” What a promise! The same God who dwells in absolute holiness made a way for us to be holy, too. This is a magnificent wonder and mystery.

Thank You, God, that You never stop partnering with me in my journey of sanctification. The precious blood of Jesus is powerful enough to cleanse me from all my sin. Guide me in the path that leads to eternal life.

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SEEK is a season at Radiant Church where we minimize the distractions and routines of our lives to hear God’s voice and focus on what He is saying. When we turn down the volume, it has the supernatural effect of turning up the volume of God’s voice. We encourage you to intentionally spend time praying and fasting, remove a comfort that consumes your time, and dedicate to seek God's face.
