What Is God’s Will for Me?Àpẹrẹ

What Is God’s Will for Me?

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Knowing God’s Will for Your Life

Ephesians 5:17-18 “Therefore do not be unwise but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit.”

I love when the Bible answers our questions so clearly. Our text today is an example of how Scripture answers a question every follower of Jesus will ask at one time or another—what is God’s will for my life?

Second, be filled with the Holy Spirit. It is not God’s will for you to get drunk and bring dishonor; however, it is God’s will that you are filled with the Spirit. Just as the inebriated man is controlled by another substance, in this instance it is alcohol, the follower of Jesus is controlled by another person, the Holy Spirit. The person under the influence of alcohol will speak in a certain way and respond in specific ways. By the same measure, the person who is influenced by the Holy Spirit will speak and behave in ways commensurate with the Holy Spirit’s positive influence.

If someone were to ask you what is God’s will for their life, you can respond confidently by pointing them to our text for today’s devotion. It is God’s will they not be drunk but to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Let us look in more detail at what Scripture is teaching us. In Greek, the verb form is a present imperative in the passive mood.  This means God gives us the command to keep on (present tense) being filled (passive voice) with the Holy Spirit. We have a part to play. Let me offer this helpful way to apply this passage of Scripture to your life. I learned this from a wonderful professor I had in seminary, Dr. Malcom McDow: Recognize we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit; Repent of all sins; Request the Holy Spirit to fill us, and finally Receive the Holy Spirit.  

What is the evidence of a person who is filled and led by the Holy Spirit?  Ephesians 5:17-21 describes one who is Spirit-filled. Also, a person who is filled with the Spirit has the fruit of the Spirit in his or her life (Galatians 5:22-23). Another indication of a person filled with the Holy Spirit is they faithfully serve God with the gifts the Spirit has given them. (See Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12-14 for a listing of spiritual gifts.)

Are you filled with the Holy Spirit? If not, ask Him to fill you even now!

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What Is God’s Will for Me?

In these devotions, Pastor Danny Forshee helps answer a question that every Christian asks: “What is God’s will for me?” God has an amazing plan for every follower of Jesus. Living in the center of God’s will for your life is living life in the sweet spot! Enjoy these very practical and helpful principles as you discover the will of God for your life.
