These Same Skies: 5-Day Devotional With Hillsong WorshipÀpẹrẹ

These Same Skies: 5-Day Devotional With Hillsong Worship

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These Same Skies Devotional 

Hannah Hobbs | Day 4

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” 

Joshua 1:9 (NIV)


Confidence… Confidence… We have confidence today in the promise within this scripture. Our assurance comes from knowing that God goes before us. He is “Emmanuel,” God with us. Let’s focus on that for a moment. Our God is entirely faithful. The way He loves His people is unrelenting. His loyalty and devotion towards humanity does not tire or wane. There’s no sin or power or distance, that could wear down His heart. Nothing exhausts His commitment to us, His people. Remember this—our faithful, loyal, loving God has made a promise to you and me. His promise is to never leave us, never forsake us and to always be with us. Through all of life’s highs and lows, we can say with confidence, “I have never walked alone, I’ve never been abandoned.”

Loneliness is something all of us have experienced in our lives. Have you ever felt abandoned or left behind? Have you ever longed for company or felt as though you were traversing through life on your own? Whether it is physical distance or an isolation of heart, it can be a crippling experience. The bridge of this song says, “Every hour, every minute, You have always been there” and then goes on to say, “Every triumph, every failure, You are loyal to me.” Even in your loneliest hour, God was there. Even in your greatest disappointments, when you wondered how you would ever get past them, God was there. Loving you. Seeing you. Staying with you. Even in your darkest hour, this truth about God still stands strong. He always has been, and always will be, Emmanuel, God with us. 


So like Moses did all those years ago, I want to encourage you to take courage in these words today! Find confidence in your faithful God who goes before you and stands alongside you. The One who charges an army of angels to watch over you will never leave or forsake you. You will never walk alone.


“Then Moses summoned Joshua and said to him in the presence of all Israel, ‘Be strong and courageous… The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.'"

Deuteronomy 31:7a, 8 (NIV)


Reflection & Application:

Take a few moments to pause. Consider times in your life when God has been faithful and kind to you. The circumstances may have been extremely difficult, but can you see how He was with you through it all? Today you may be facing a seemingly impossible situation, or perhaps you have received bad news. Maybe life seems fine, but you feel lonelier than ever before. Remind yourself that just as God was with Moses and Joshua, Mary and Martha, Paul and Silas, He is with you, and He loves you. He will be faithful, every hour and every minute of this day. 


Dear God, Emmanuel, I know that you are with me right here, right now. I ask in Jesus’ name that Your Spirit will comfort me and that You will fill me with peace, strength and courage for this day. I choose in this moment to walk in confidence, knowing that whatever the path may be, I do not walk it alone. Thank you for being faithful. In the mighty Name of Jesus, amen!

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These Same Skies: 5-Day Devotional With Hillsong Worship

Join the Hillsong Worship team on a devotional journey through the scriptural foundations of their latest album, “These Same Skies.” Ben Fielding, Hannah Hobbs, Chris Davenport, Aodhan King and Alexander Pappas each host a day, unpacking the heart behind one of the songs, including, “Never Walk Alone,” “That’s The Power,” “Secret Place,” “Hope Of The Ages,” and “Freedom.” We pray this plan will deepen your faith.
