Simply Christmas a Five-Day Reading Plan to Reclaim the Peace of the Holidays by Tama FortnerÀpẹrẹ

Simply Christmas a Five-Day Reading Plan to Reclaim the Peace of the Holidays by Tama Fortner

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The Light of Christmas

Scripture: Psalm 119:105; John 1:1-4; John 8:12

The Christmas season is filled with lights—on the trees, on our homes, and in the eyes of little ones glittering with excitement. Even the Christmas story itself is filled with light. The heaven-bright angels that lit up the shepherds’ dark skies, the shining star that the wise men followed, and most radiant of all, the light of God’s own Son born into the world and so gently laid in that Bethlehem manger.

That light still shines.

But do we see it? Or have we allowed it to be dimmed by the endless onslaught of tasks and to-dos?

Maybe the questions you’re asking right now are, How do I see that light? How can I get it to shine in my life and chase away the darkness? Because you—like me, like every one of us courageous enough, or perhaps desperate enough, to admit it—need that light. How do we find it?

In a world where so few answers are simple, this one is—the Word. It is the good news Jesus came to give. It is the light to guide our path and chase away darkness.

As we read in John 1, the Word gives life and light. In every season.

Mighty God, Wonderful Counselor, guide me—this day and every day—by the light of Your holy Word. Amen.

Reclaiming Christmas

Take a moment to ponder what you really want out of this Christmas season. What is most important to you? What feelings and experiences do you want to be sure are included, both for yourself and your family? And what would you rather live without? Be honest—no one else has to see this list! Let these answers help guide your yeses and noes as you seek His light in the coming days of celebration and chaos.

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Nípa Ìpèsè yìí

Simply Christmas a Five-Day Reading Plan to Reclaim the Peace of the Holidays by Tama Fortner

Slow down and savor time with the Savior this season. Choose to pause and ponder as Mary did, to get lost in the wonder of Immanuel, of God with us. This year, let it be simply Christmas.
