Looking for Hope in a Hopeless WorldÀpẹrẹ

Looking for Hope in a Hopeless World

Ọjọ́ 8 nínú 12

What is our Hope?

So, what is hope, and more importantly, what is our hope in Jesus Christ?

Hope is the motivator that carries us forward in our Christian walk. Hope enables us to see a future that is far better than our present.

As we grow in Christ and walk in His ways, our hope grows brighter and stronger through faith in His teachings and His words. As we learn and grow, we begin to experience the outcomes of our hope. We begin to see the kingdom of God now and our hope grows stronger.

The most important facet of hope to remember is that hope is future-oriented. Hope is not about the present. Hope is focused on “what will be” rather than “what is.”

This is critically important when “what is” is not good, or is not what we would want or desire.

If we consider the world's situation right now, filled with depression, despair, fear, and hopelessness, then having hope for a better future is important. It keeps us motivated to suffer the problems of this life, knowing something better awaits those who hope in Jesus Christ.

You can’t see hope because whatever we are hoping for has not yet happened. If our hopes are fulfilled and realized, then they are no longer hopes but realities.

Scripture tells us as much when it says:

“For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” (Romans 8:24-25)

We need hope and patience until our hopes become reality.

There are many things we may hope for as Christians, but there is only one real hope. The hope of salvation unto eternity with Christ Jesus and God the Father. We hope for salvation through believing in the power of God that raised Jesus from the dead. That same power is at work in those who believe and frees us from the bondage of sin and death so that we too can stand with God.

The hope of our salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ. Through faith we also hope to receive the free gift of righteousness given by God to those who have faith in Jesus Christ. The hope of righteousness allows us to stand without fear, condemnation, or guilt in the very presence of God.

When God says you are righteous, who can disagree? Who can call you a sinner if God forgives and forgets all of your sins and declares you righteous by faith?

No man has the right to declare you a sinner when God has cleansed you by faith in the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus Christ. This is a great hope and one that is available to all who believe. In fact, it is essential to receive the free gift of righteousness by faith as we walk in the hope of salvation until we receive it.

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Looking for Hope in a Hopeless World

Many people today are looking for hope in a hopeless world. With increasing disasters and health problems, we have never needed hope for a better future more than right now. This plan is designed to show you the hope that comes through the scripture by following the words of Jesus Christ.
