God in Three Persons: Embracing the TrinityÀpẹrẹ

God in Three Persons: Embracing the Trinity

Ọjọ́ 2 nínú 6

Devotional - The Lord is One

They say that trying to explain the Trinity is like describing a symphony to someone born deaf. A more layman’s explanation, at least for anyone over 50, might be to compare explaining the Trinity to the old Abbott and Costello bit, “Who’s On First.”

Deuteronomy 6:4 clearly states that God is one. Throughout the Old Testament, we see God declaring His oneness. How then can Orthodox Christianity claim that there is One God in three persons? Much like “Who’s On First,” the conversation goes something along these lines. 

Question – Who sits on the throne in Heaven? Answer – God the Father.

Question – Who exited the tomb three days after being crucified, dead, and buried? Answer – God the Son.

Question – Who inspired Holy Scripture and empowers the Church? Answer – God the Spirit.

Question – So you are saying that each person is God, but each person is different? Answer – Yes!

Question – The Father is God? Answer – Yes!

Question – Jesus is God? Answer – Yes!

Question – The Spirit is God? Answer – Yes!

Question – Are they one person? Answer – No!

Question – Are they one God? Answer – Yes!

Are you beginning to understand the “Who’s on First” analogy? Comprehending the Trinity is a mission that believers have embarked on since the first disciples witnessed Jesus ascending into Heaven. The purpose of this study is to understand who God is and how He reveals Himself in three distinct persons. Each member of this Trinity is united in one substance, equal in divine nature and glory, yet diverse in relating to the creation and each other. Dr. Scott Horrell of Dallas Theological Seminary states, “Understanding who God is will define why you and I exist, who we are as persons, and how we may most be fulfilled individually and in relation to other persons, the natural world, and most of all our Creator.”

Questions for Reflection

1. How have you seen God work in your life? 

2. Can you discern which member of the Godhead is acting in these moments?

3. Why is understanding the Trinity a critical component of our faith journey and witness? 

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God in Three Persons: Embracing the Trinity

The Trinity is a mystery but not one that is unsearchable. Throughout Scripture, we see God reveal Himself in distinct and unique ways through the three persons of the Godhead. This six-day plan will instruct the believer on who the Triune God is and who we are called to be in response. Jamey Webster is a former CEO in the oil industry and is currently studying at Dallas Theological Seminary.
