A Life That Glorifies GodÀpẹrẹ

A Life That Glorifies God

Ọjọ́ 3 nínú 4



When the Israelites came out of Egyptian slavery, they had to go through the process in the desert before stepping into the Promised Land. For forty years they walked around in the desert. The climate was very hot during the day and very cold at night, but God protected His people by providing a pillar of cloud during the day in order to protect them from the heat of the sun and a pillar of fire at night so that they would not feel cold (ex. 13:21). During their time in the wilderness their clothing, their shoes, or footwear were undamaged (Deuteronomy 29: 5). God provided the food of “manna” bread from heaven and quail for them to eat (Exodus 16: 13-15). What about water to drink? Despite the dry desert, God was able to provide water for them (Exodus 15: 25,27; 17: 5-6). God protected His people even from the small bad things, moreover, God sent His Angel to be with them (Exodus 23:20).

In this life, as believers, we sometimes have to pass through the process of life and that is “the desert” which is allowed by God to be experienced by us. The process is aimed to purify our faith, to mature our spirituality, to make us more humble, and to prepare us to receive a greater blessing than before. Sometimes through a certain process, we can see and experience the great power of God's GLORY in our lives.

One of the ways to draw the glory of God down upon us is through worship and praise, why? Because the Word of God says that God dwells in the praise and worship of His people (Psalm 22: 4). And if God is with us, what do we need to worry about? We must believe that He will open the way when there is no way, we must believe that our Lord is able to make the non-existent become exist because for Him nothing is impossible.


Will each of the praise and worship we raise bring His glory? If not, what kind of praise and worship can bring the power of His glory?

Let us pay attention to some points as follows;

1.  Our Motivation (Romans 11:36)

If we raise the praise and worship, it does not mean that we are flattering God to come to bless or help us. Indeed, we may be in need of God's help, we who are sick want to be healed, we who are in economic problems need His blessing, or we have any other problems and want to get the way out. But the most important is when we raise the praise and worship do it wholeheartedly just to glorify God, King of kings. 

Not to satisfy ourselves.  What the Lord is looking for from us is a sacrifice of praise and worship, meaning that when we are being processed, our mouths still praise and worship His name.

2.  Our faith (Hebrews 11:6)

The second thing that becomes our part is “faith”. It's not talking about how long we've been believers, or how many chapters we have read (we must read the Bible). But about our belief that God is present when we are raising praise and worship. Believing is the attitude of glorifying God, but doubt is the attitude of not glorifying God. Now take note, without faith we will not please God. It means no matter how great is a song we raise, it will not affect heaven when we sing without faith. Singing with faith will draw His glory pour upon us.

 3.  All our heart and strength (Mark 12:30)

When we are weak and feel helpless, or feel hopeless about your future. Is it still easy for us to sing and glorify God? Honestly, it is not easy. But the Lord Jesus teaches us to love God with all our heart, all our soul and mind, and with all our strength. Note that the word “with all” means whole, fully, not half. So whatever the circumstances that we have to face, raise praise and worship with all of our strength. Glorify God with our bodies, even if the body is like a limp, or heavy to sing, we must dare to resist the weakness by strengthening our hearts to rise and sing to glorify God.


1. Have you ever experienced a situation where it feels like this body is very heavy to raise the praise and worship? Do you still glorify God?

2. Try to share briefly about your experience in praising God when your situation is not good and the power of God is working. (As the apostle Paul and Silas were imprisoned).


Hebrews 13:15 Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.

From this lesson, we can conclude that God deserves glory through the praise and worship that we raise. In any circumstances, let us always glorify God. And when we glorify God in acceptable ways and attitudes, His power will come down upon us and that will speed us leave out the “desert” process.

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