Your Kingdom Come: The Case Against RacismÀpẹrẹ

Your Kingdom Come: The Case Against Racism

Ọjọ́ 9 nínú 9

Day 9: There is Hope 

We have presented a case against racism hopefully stirring revelation, emotion, conviction and repentance. But what's next? With news feeds and social media highlighting one devastating story after another, you may be unsure about how to make a significant difference. Conversations about racism can leave us feeling hopeless, helpless or questioning God's presence and power amongst the pain. In the face of injustice, where we place our hope is of prime importance. As we finish this devotional we can find hope in this: “the Lord reigns forever; He has established His throne for judgment. He rules the world in righteousness and judges the peoples with equity. The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know Your name trust in You, for You Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You.” (Psalm 9:7-11)

Some may feel disheartened that people seem to get away with injustice, but God’s omniscience and omnipresence allows us to rest assured as “the eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.” (Proverbs 15:3) We can also delight in knowing that God hears us. “In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I cried for help. From His temple He heard my voice, and my cry to Him reached His ears.”  (Psalm 18:6) These words from David should stir us to pray. Yes, we should read and understand the wrongs of the past, and listen to the stories of the present, but if we earnestly desire to shape the future, we must pray. Whether we stand declaring or are on our knees interceding, let us take comfort that our fervent prayers are heard by God. 

And finally, we can hold onto this truth: “the Lord works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed(Psalm 103:6). God repeatedly raised up or used people to bring deliverance and see change happen - heroes like Moses, Esther, Ehud who God used in biblical times or more recently Christians like William Wilberforce, Martin Luther King Jr., and Harriet Beecher Stowe whose faith was the foundation of their fight against racial injustice. The Church is part of God’s response to injustice; He calls us to be a people filled with compassion, who intercede for change and who influence the spheres He has placed them in. 

The cry for justice is a cry straight from the heart of God. Micah encourages us to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God and this should be our posture in our stand against racism. He is a God who partners with His people to establish His kingdom on the Earth. We can have hope that true justice will prevail because we serve a righteous King who sees the oppression, who hears our cries, and who responds.

Reflection points:

Pray for renewed courage and conviction about your response to racism.

Consider your spheres of influence and how you can be a voice in your school, workplace, social circles etc.

Commit to continue praying for justice whenever you come across injustice in your life, whether in specific circumstances or at an institutional level.

Ọjọ́ 8

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Your Kingdom Come: The Case Against Racism

As we desire to see God’s kingdom on the Earth, God calls us to expose sin by bringing it to the light. Rooted in Micah 6:1-8, this devotional invites you to hear a case against racism. Using historical and scriptural accounts, we present challenging truths for us as individuals as well as to us as the Church.
