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Evidence: The Truth of the Gospels

Years ago, there was a gathering of liberal scholars who set out to discredit the Gospel of Jesus Christ, His teachings and His claims. (Read 2 Timothy 3:12-17) They received a lot of media attention, and their “findings” gave skeptics additional fuel for denying His divinity and ministry even though their bias was evident from the outset.

However, another group also gathered: This group of scholars set out to find the historical Jesus as well, and determine the accuracy of the Gospels in the time and context in which they were written, approaching their research as impartially as possible. Though their work continues, the evidence they have uncovered that points to the historical authenticity of the Gospels is compelling.

Add to their findings the work of others who have studied this subject independently (like Lee Strobel and J. Walter Wallace, who appear in the film), and an exciting picture emerges. Let’s just look at two particular points of the many that are presented.

First, for the history buffs, we learn that the Gospels withstand the test of textual scrutiny. Simply stated (though the method of analysis is far from simple), there are thousands of documents that confirm the claims of the original writers, from the earliest fragment discovered of the Gospel of John, Chapter 18, which is dated A.D. 125 to thousands of ancient Greek manuscripts.

Let's just place this in context, using a well-known example: Historians have pieced together the historical account of Alexander the Great from writings dated over four hundred years after he lived and from only two men. Obviously much fewer sources than the Gospels, and much later writings, yet still widely accepted by historians and scholars as historically accurate.

Second, let’s consider biblical archaeology. Archaeology is extremely important in the study of history, and biblical archaeology is critical to corroborating Old and New Testament accounts. Recent findings have been fascinating in this area as well. In 2005, the Siloam Pool, where Jesus healed the blind man according to the Gospel of John, Chapter 9, was discovered and identified by archaeologists.

Also identified in the 1900’s and excavated over many decades was the Pool of Bethesda, where Jesus healed the paralytic, an account found in John 5. Interestingly, many scholars discounted the Gospel of John entirely because they claimed this site did not exist nor was its recorded shape historically accurate; however, the excavation by a group of committed archaeologists discovered it exactly where the Gospel of John said it would be, and its structure perfectly matched John’s description.

The scholars were wrong; however, the Apostle John, writer of the Gospel that bears his name, was right. (Read John 5:1-2)

For those of us who believe, we do not need the stamp of approval of modern-day experts who deny Jesus Christ as the Son of God. No amount of skepticism changes our position. However, as God allows these evidences to be uncovered over the course of time, it is to the benefit of those He has placed in our lives, who are lost or doubting, to clearly present the evidence. Let us be good stewards of the facts for God’s glory, trusting Him to reveal to others the accuracy of His inspired Word.

Let us pray:

Heavenly Father, we thank You for continuing to reveal Your truth through the evidence of ancient manuscripts and recent discoveries. We pray for wisdom as we confront the skeptics, and ask for the conviction of the Holy Spirit to bring them to trust in You through Your Son. Also, today we pray for those who dedicate their lives to confirm Your Word; strengthen them, guide them, and bring them additional findings that are undeniable to all.

In Jesus name, amen.

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Taking a look at the evidence that supports the existence of Jesus as the Messiah using Biblical references and clips from God’s Not Dead 2, the film. Always be able to give an answer for what you believe. This study will aid you in learning the factual support of Biblical truths and encourage you to live out that truth in your life.
