Keep the Change: Managing Your Money Wisely Àpẹrẹ

Keep the Change: Managing Your Money Wisely

Ọjọ́ 7 nínú 7

Now it’s your turn. What’s your story? In what ways have you been challenged over the past few days? 

Building a budget and getting finances in order will look different for each person. But there are small steps you can take every day to get the big results you want one day. 

Here’s a tip: Pick one small place to start. If you try to attack every faulty mindset you have all at once, you’ll likely end up discouraged. But if you choose one thing to start with, you’ll often gain momentum to keep going. 

So, what are some things you can do to honor God with your money? 

1. Take inventory. If you’re married, schedule a budget date with your spouse. Talk about what you value, and see if those values are reflected in your budget. If you’re single, do an audit on your budget, and consider inviting a trusted friend or mentor in to hold you accountable. No matter what your situation looks like, commit to tracking what you spend and creating a budget you can commit to. 
2. Make a goal. What is one goal you can create to help you honor God with your money? Maybe it’s paying off your debt so that you can start being more generous. Could you set aside five dollars in your next paycheck to attack it? Or perhaps it’s creating a generosity budget so that you can plan to be generous. Whatever it is, find one goal to work toward so that you’re being intentional with your finances—not letting them become an afterthought. 
3. Bring in people. As with most difficult things in life, it’s easier to do the right thing when we have a little help from our friends. Ask someone who models managing their money well for some input on your budget. This could be a trusted leader, pastor, mentor, or friend. Even just asking them some questions on how they’ve managed their finances over the years can bring insight. Or ask them what they wish they had known about money when they were younger. You might be surprised at what you can learn as a result! 

Money matters because it’s a tool we can use to help others and expand the reach of God’s Kingdom here on earth. Just look at what Jesus reminds us: 

“ In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”  Acts 20:35 NIV

Here’s a prayer as you gear up to use your money in God-honoring ways: 

God, thank You for being my Provider. Grow my faith and trust in You. Remind me how well You take care of me. Give me wisdom as I set a budget and discover how to manage my money in ways that honor You and serve others. Show me who to reach out to for help, and thank You for your guidance and direction. Open my heart and help me become more generous. I trust You. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Learn more about managing your money in the Keep the Change message series. 

Ọjọ́ 6

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Keep the Change: Managing Your Money Wisely

Money can be awkward to talk about and difficult to understand. But how we spend our money often determines how we spend our lives. So how can we make sure we’re honoring God and serving others with our finances? In this 7-day Bible Plan, we’ll look at real stories from ordinary people who are learning how to take control of their budgets and live more generous lives.
