Divorce To Healing: 31 Days Of Healing And WholenessÀpẹrẹ

Divorce To Healing: 31 Days Of Healing And Wholeness

Ọjọ́ 29 nínú 31


The cop shows on TV and the local law enforcement are not the only ones who have to handle evidence. Searching, collecting, and examining evidence happens whenever something tragic happens, but there are so many ways to use it.

Evidence can convict and exonerate. It can lead and it can confuse. The person handling the evidence is the one who largely determines how best to use it, but it may not be the whole truth.

You are in the process of healing, and in that process there are pieces of the tragedy that shine a light on what happened. There will also be evidence of healing and that is where I want to spend the rest of our time.

What do you see in yourself that has learned from your past, good and bad? Have you realized those thoughts, words, and deeds that have brought you to this point and how they are impacting your life today? Learn from the bad, but dwell on those things that you see that are good. Make a list of the good ones!!

At your lowest point, did you ever think you would have been able to do some of the things you are able to do now? (i.e. communicate better, handle finances, enjoy your quiet time, keep the kids alive, remember to take out the trash, etc..)

So many little things all the way up to the big things are improving daily, even if you do not see it yet. Each day you wake up, you are one day closer to your healing and one more day closer to the blessings God has for you.

Have faith!! Tomorrow will be better. Some days may not, but add them up!!

God, may the evidence of my healing be revealed to my day by day so that it may shine through me so that others can also see your grace, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Ọjọ́ 28Ọjọ́ 30

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Divorce To Healing: 31 Days Of Healing And Wholeness

God is the only answer for complete healing and wholeness, especially when it comes to divorce. Through this plan you will draw closer to God while gaining wisdom on how to handle your emotions and feelings during this most difficult time. Choosing to repeat the 31 days will reveal your progress while God continues to bind the wounds and give you greater closure.
