Catching You: A 5-Day Plan to Creating a Life of Security and LoveÀpẹrẹ

Catching You: A 5-Day Plan to Creating a Life of Security and Love

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I think sometimes we get stuck in the mentality that because the work we do is important—whether in our careers, in communities, or at home—we couldn’t possibly take a break. All we can see are the things that are not getting accomplished when we rest and pause. And because of this longing to do good in the world, we are often blind to the fact that even less will get done if we don’t keep our batteries charged and our hearts protected and whole.

Avoiding death, or burning out if you want to be less melodramatic about the whole thing, is an excellent reason to prioritize self-care or resourcing or whatever you feel comfortable calling it. But there’s an even more important reason, and it is simply this: God loves you and wants only good things for you. I know sometimes it doesn’t feel that way, but it’s true.

This is not to say that God will not lead us through seasons of suffering or ask us to endure painful things or refine us by fire. Because he absolutely will. But even during those trials—especially during those trials—he wants to tenderly grasp our hands and kiss away our tears and love us through every moment.

He wants us to taste sweetness even when we are being asked to drink from a cup of bitterness. He wants to give us rest even when we are being woken up twelve times a night by a baby who will be soothed only by the warmth of our breasts and the comfort of our arms. He wants us to seek out and embrace joy even amid the most excruciating pain and suffering. He wants us to be fierce even when we would much rather hide under the safety of our blankets.

He wants all of these simply because he loves us.


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Catching You: A 5-Day Plan to Creating a Life of Security and Love

Hallie Lord understands the upheaval life can bring. Yet by digging into her faith and through much self-reflection, she realized that even though challenges had left her a bit battered and bruised, they had also equipped her for any difficulty that may arise.
