Life IS...Àpẹrẹ

Life IS...

Ọjọ́ 10 nínú 14

Life IS... Healing From Broken Promises

Growing up, my mother constantly said to me, "your word is your bond. If you promise to do something, do it.  If you can't, go back and say so."  Broken promises have become more and more normalized in our culture. It's common for people to break promises without remorse or consequences.  I beg to differ. 

When we analyze our families, friends, politicians, and even the church, we can see some of the results from broken promises. Broken promises lead to disappointment and heartbreak and erode trust. Simply put - broken promises can break people. And sometimes people make decisions out of their brokenness which becomes a cycle that continues. As the saying goes, "hurt people hurt people."

Thankfully, all is not lost.  The cycle of hurt and pain can be stopped. Healing can start with the utterance of two little but powerful words. Those two words are "I'm sorry."  Those two words must be met with a commitment to make positive changes the lead to restoration. These two steps helped to save one of my friendships.

I have a friend who made promises that they could not keep, or simply would not keep. This friend would never acknowledge their failure to keep their word and would go on as if nothing ever happened.  

One day, I finally decided to say something because my feelings regarding our friendship were starting to change. I no longer trusted anything they would say.  After our conversation, they apologized and explained that no one has ever brought that to their attention. They never gave any thought to their actions or the consequences.  Today, our friendship is stronger than ever.

Consider your relationships. Do you have an apology to give? Is there a relationship in your life that can be restored if you humbly asked for their forgiveness? 

Jesus called us to live with integrity and show people His love through our actions - letting our "yes be yes" and "no be no" (Matt. 5:37)

Perhaps, you have been broken by broken promises. Maybe a friend or relative has hurt you by their inconsistency without knowing how their choices impact you!

Hebrews 10:24 tell us, "Let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works." The very conversation you are scared to have could be the catalyst God uses to stir up love and good works!

"...did God graciously forgive you? Then graciously forgive one another in the depths of God's love." (Eph. 4:32) 


What broken promises are you holding on to that may be impacting your life?

Whether you are the giver or receiver of a broken promise, are you ready to 

confront it and make a change, so healing and restoration can begin?


Father, as I start the process of releasing disappointments and broken promises from my spirit, thank you for giving me the strength to get to a place of healing and restoration, so I can forgive.  If I have been the one to hurt others because of my broken promises, I ask that you give them the strength to forgive me, so that together we can heal.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

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Life IS...

In a time when God has the world's attention, De'Leice R. Drane, through Life IS, takes you on a 14-day spiritual journey of embracing a new you. This bible plan will awaken your spiritual development and set you on a path toward healing, restoration and empowerment. #joinmeonthejourney
