Resilient: Bounce Back When Life Knocks You DownÀpẹrẹ

Resilient: Bounce Back When Life Knocks You Down

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Resilient through Fear

Fear is a natural and powerful thing. Fear alerts us to the presence of danger or harm. While God gave us innate fear to stop us from doing something that could harm us, the enemy also uses that fear to keep us doing something that can help move the God's Kingdom and our lives forward. Fear of failure and even fear of success can keep you from pursuing the very thing God has ordained you to do. 

Fear of another failed marriage will keep you from marrying again. Fear of another broken heart will keep you from loving again. Fear of failure will keep you from pursing a business venture. Fear of success will keep you from expanding your current business. Fear of being a bad parent will keep you from bearing children. Fear of losing your life will keep you from finding it. Fear of the unknown will keep you planted in the same place when it is actually God’s plan for you to go further. 

Personally, fear of rejection kept me from applying to pharmacy school the first time the thought crossed my mind. Fear of getting hurt again kept me from opening my heart to love again for quite some time. Fear kept me from writing and publishing my book for seven years. I was afraid of what people would say about me, about my life, about my choices. Fear also kept me from finishing this devotional when it was supposed to be finished. Fear of failure crippled me in so many ways. Fear stopped me in my tracks, nailed me to the ground, and kept me from pursuing my God-given purpose for a long time. I knew that in order to become everything God created me to be, I had to push past my fear. 

How do you become resilient through fear? You must first understand that God hasn’t given you a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind. After you have prayed and asked God for his guidance, and He’s told you what to do, do it. 

Any fear you have in pursuing what God has called you to do is from the enemy. The enemy doesn’t want to see you prosper. The enemy doesn’t want to see you succeed. The enemy wants you to believe that you will fail, which is why he places that fear in your spirit. But you must push past all of that to feed your faith, not your fear. The more you feed your fear, the longer it will fester. Don’t feed it. 

Affirm within yourself that you are fearless. Then, trust that God will never take you anywhere that He’s designed for you to fail. You don’t have to be afraid of the unknown because God sees. God knows. He’s already written the story. So, go forth in faith.


Father, thank You for being Lord of all. I ask that You search my heart and remove all doubt and fear, that I may walk in my purpose and calling. I pray, Lord, that You endow me with fearlessness and courage, wisdom, and understanding. Help me to continue to trust You with all that I have and all that I am. In Jesus's name, Amen. 

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Resilient: Bounce Back When Life Knocks You Down

Has life thrown you a few curve balls? Pushing past fear, hopelessness, and despair isn't easy, but it is possible. Join Robin Terry as she draws on her personal experiences to show you how to use biblical principles to bounce back after life knocks you down. Learn what resilience looks like as you are encouraged to push past your pain to receive the very best that God has for you.
