Sugar-Free and Spirit-Filled by Healthy by DesignÀpẹrẹ

Sugar-Free and Spirit-Filled by Healthy by Design

Ọjọ́ 2 nínú 5

Feelings Aren't Facts

Do you ever FEEL guilty for breaking your boundaries and eating sugar when you vowed you would not? Maybe you're feeling this right now and are ready to throw your hands in the air and say, "Here I go again." Or "This always happens to me." Our conscience can plague us with so much guilt that often we go to bed every night feeling condemned and wake up the next morning feeling the same way.

Guilt is a form of emotional self-punishment and self-condemnation of our worth and value. It's an emotion that says that I did something wrong.

  • Guilt says that you are not worthy; not valuable enough to claim any of God's promises.
  • It tells us that we do not deserve God's grace, but instead, we should feel bad whenever we miss the mark.
  • Guilt tries to control you into taking action, but feelings are not reliable sources of motivation or inspiration—feelings are, well, just feelings that can change moment by moment.

In the Scripture above (1 John 3:20), John offers an escape from this torture chamber of our minds where guilt resides. He reminds us to set our hearts on God's love. We free our minds by realizing that our feelings aren't facts, therefore, we are not great decision-makers. We free our minds by recognizing God's voice over the voice of guilt and condemnation. God's voice does not produce guilt (Romans 8:1). His voice is one of assurance and comfort.

Choose to follow God’s will for your life and refuse to let your feelings dictate how you should or should not respond. Remember, 99% of guilt has nothing to do with reality so refuse to give it a foothold in your life. Let the Word of God dictate your decisions, then set your mind to be a blessing and make the right choices that honor God.


Step 1 - PAUSE. Where do your feelings of guilt arise on this health journey? Capture every guilty thought that you experience. In light of the Scripture above, how does it change our guilty feelings? Take a few minutes and journal what makes you feel guilty.

Step 2 - PRAY. Study what the scripture teaches you about your feelings. Can you apply those Scriptures to your feelings of guilt? Do you need to select a new Scripture?

Step 3 - ACTIVE PRACTICE. Visualize taking all of your guilt and condemnation and placing it at the feet of Jesus.


"Dear Lord, thank you that you are so much greater than my feelings!! I've been dragged around by them into all kinds of situations that have left me full of shame and guilt. In many ways, God, I have made my feelings, my Lord, and let them rule over me in the place of you being my only authority. I've done what I hate so many times because of my feelings—usually trying to avoid the ones that feel awful, but sometimes just to enjoy the ones that feel great. Please forgive me, Lord! Today, I am trusting in your unconditional love and in the knowledge that you are so much greater than my feelings! Help me please to trust in you when I start to feel tempted to let my feelings be my boss. Reassure me in my hour (or split second) of need that your ways are so much greater than mine, and that includes my feelings. Give me the patience to pause before acting on them, allowing them to just be. My desire is to grow so close to you and to know you so intimately and closely, sweet Lord! Instead of stuffing down and burying them, I will trust you with my feelings and experience the freedom, peace, and joy that your compassion brings! You are truly awesome! In Jesus's name. Amen!"

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Sugar-Free and Spirit-Filled by Healthy by Design

Whether it's a full-blown sugar addiction or you just love sweets, this devotional will guide you in detoxing your body from sugar and your mind from its toxic thoughts while nourishing your spirit with the Word of God. I pray that this is the kickstart you need to help you regain control of your health and weight.
