Christmas Angels: Messages of Truth for Each DayÀpẹrẹ

Christmas Angels: Messages of Truth for Each Day

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“His Kingdom will never end.” (Angels visit the world)

When you think of Christmas night, what does it look like in your mind? Maybe you envision a stable filled with animals. A young woman and man hover over a feeding trough. Several shepherds are in the background, leaning in to watch and wonder. Maybe you imagine some royal looking men holding fancy gift boxes (though that visit would probably have happened on a different night in a different place - see Matthew 2:11).

Of course, the most important part of the scene would be the manger itself because in it lies Jesus, God incarnate, the Word in flesh. This tiny helpless newborn babe is at the center of God’s plan for his entire creation.

We know he's important. We know his life is going to change the world. We know he is God's son. We know his birth changes history.

We love the Christmas story. We love the manger scene. We love the season of adoration and worship and wonder and awe. And we love — so very much — the wondrous baby named Jesus.

But we must always remember this: the baby Jesus is a King. He is the King, the only true King, the King of everything and everyone, the ruler of all creation.

Christmas is not primarily about a baby’s birth. It is about the King’s arrival. It is not primarily about a stable and manger. It is about a throne and a kingdom. It is not primarily about gifts and stars. It is about God’s arrival in Jesus Messiah.

Jesus is not just the rescuer, redeemer, Savior, and friend of individual people. He is the Lord and King of everything and everyone. As the angel said to Zechariah, to Joseph, to Mary, to the shepherds, and to the wise men:

  • Jesus is Lord.
  • Jesus is King.
  • Jesus will reign forever.

We celebrate Jesus’ birth at Christmas, which is good and right. But consider this: will we also serve him as King every single day, which is what he rightly deserves from his creation, his children, and the people of his Kingdom?

Jesus is born. Joy to the world!

Jesus is King. Praise him forever!


What is the most meaningful part of the Christmas story for you? Why?

How would acknowledging Jesus as King impact your relationship with him, your understanding of his Word, your awareness of yourself, and your active engagement in his Kingdom story?

Read the scripture passages for a Christmas story about The King.

Explore other resources from Young Life Discipleship including more Bible App reading plans.

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Christmas Angels: Messages of Truth for Each Day

The Christmas story is filled with a wide cast of human characters who were each visited by an angel. The angels' messages were true not just 2000 years ago but also today. Read, listen, and learn from this most beloved of ancient stories.
