

Ọjọ́ 10 nínú 12

When the Going Gets Tough - #3

Jude's advice for Christians facing false teaching in troubled times can be summarised in three headings:

  1. Personal Devotion 
  2. Loving Perseverance 
  3. Compassionate Outreach 

Today we look at "Loving Perseverance."     

Jude invites us to "Keep yourselves in God's love." The verb he uses for "keep" is also used for "keeping the law" and "keeping watch." It implies devotion, diligence and alertness.

When we colour inside the lines demarcated by God's love we find peace and joy. Unfortunately we are easily sucked into fear, anger, jealousy, insecurity and many other destructive spaces.

God's love works in two directions: It impacts how we see and treat ourselves and it impacts how we see and treat others.

But we also have to "wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life." The word for "waiting" is the  word used to describe Simeon who was "waiting for the consolation of Israel" (i.e. waiting for the Messiah). His waiting wasn't escapist withdrawal. He was active and responsive.

Keeping ourselves rooted in God's love, while we hopefully wait means that we live constructive lives in a broken world, motivated and comforted by our sure hope in eternal life.

Ìwé mímọ́

Ọjọ́ 9Ọjọ́ 11

Nípa Ìpèsè yìí


This series is based on the second to the last book in the New Testament - the letter of Jude. The writer cares about the church and is worried enough to write a letter when he sees trouble. Jude uses a rich grounding in the Old Testament to warn and encourage his readers. (Written during a "hard lockdown" during during the CoronaVirus pandemic)
