Communicating at Work with the Fruit of the SpiritÀpẹrẹ

Communicating at Work with the Fruit of the Spirit

Ọjọ́ 9 nínú 10


Jesus, who died on the cross for you, speaks to you today with words of gentleness. 

Listen to Jesus’ powerful but gentle voice declaring, “Peace be still!” in the midst of the anxiety and stress of figuring out schooling for your children, going back to the office, crowded transit, online meetings, and the myriad of other triggers creating anxiety in our lives. For many of us, there seem to be no good options for some of the decisions we have to make. 

Jesus is gently calling out to each one of us to quiet our spirit and to trust in Him. Jesus’ gentle voice reminds us that his strength is sufficient for today, and his power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Cor 12:19). While Jesus is gentle, he also has more than sufficient power to deal with each and every circumstance that will unfold in your life, regardless of what decisions you make. 

So continue to trust God. Continue to trust him for your family and for your work. Make a choice and then courageously move forward, trusting in God’s amazing grace. 

Speak gently with your coworkers and clients. Many of them are wrestling with the same decisions you are facing. Your gentle tone or your gentle response to their email may be the only words they hear today that momentarily create an oasis of peace in their life. 

Be gentle with those who may choose differently than you do. They need your love and support and encouragement, as much as you need theirs right now. 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we find ourselves once again having to make decisions without knowing what the future holds. Thank you, Jesus, that YOU hold our future in your nail pierced hands. Thank you for your gentle words of forgiveness, hope, and love – without your gentle voice, we cannot make it through this day. So we place our family, our future, and our work at the foot of your cross. In quietness and trust, we ask for your strength and wisdom to speak gently to our coworkers,  clients, and friends. Amen.

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Nípa Ìpèsè yìí

Communicating at Work with the Fruit of the Spirit

How can we live out our faith at work by communicating with the fruit of the Spirit? Over the next few days, we'll look at the fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-23 and consider some practical applications for our everyday lives at work.
