UNCOMMEN: The Wilderness YearsÀpẹrẹ

UNCOMMEN: The Wilderness Years

Ọjọ́ 3 nínú 5

Wilderness of Obedience

Obedience is everything in response to what God is speaking into our lives. Are we listening?

Are we obedient to what we hear from God? When we chase the desires of our flesh instead of asking Jesus what His desires are for our lives, we are not obedient. The entire generation of Israelites that God brought out of slavery in Egypt over 20 years of age would never see the promised land because of their disobedience. They complained to Moses, and in return, Moses told them they were complaining against God. Grumbling against God is being disobedient. "In the desert the whole community grumbled against Moses and Aaron." (Exodus 16:2) 

How many times a day do we complain about the jobs we have, the car we have, the home, and possibly even your spouse? Why would we spend so much time complaining about the blessings God has put into our lives? How dare we complain about these gifts that we take for granted! 

Only Joshua and Caleb would see the promised land because when God spoke into their lives, they listened and obeyed. They trusted what God had promised them. They believed in God when He said He would fight for them. Joshua was obedient to the will of God and the purpose He had planned for his life. Joshua would be the one to bring the Israelites into the promised land. 

God instructed Joshua to have seven priests carrying trumpets of rams' horns with the Ark of the Covenant to walk around Jericho with the army for six days, not talking or shouting. Then on the seventh day. "The seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded the army, "Shout! For the Lord has given you the city!" (Joshua 6:16) Once they obeyed God's directions, Jericho's walls collapsed, and the entire city was destroyed beside Rahab and her family. God spared them because they helped the spies of Israel. God had already given them Jericho. That was already a promise; all they needed to do was obey.

Where are you not being obedient? I will bet you already know what it is. The Holy Spirit convicts us of these things. Some of them are not even bad things, but we make these things idols in our lives, and we do not obediently put them at the feet of Jesus. He wants a relationship with us. Jesus wants us to lay down the distractions and make time for Him.

Uncommen Questions: 

Ask God what things you are putting before Him. What are the idols in your life that He is telling you to get rid of in your life?

Uncommen Challenge: 

Lord Jesus, show me what parts of my life I am allowing to become idols before you. Teach me how to cast these things out, so there is nothing between me and the focus I have on You Lord. Amen!

Scripture References:
Deuteronomy 1:34-39
Deuteronomy 4:1-2


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UNCOMMEN: The Wilderness Years

Many of us can relate to being in the wilderness. Some have lived short seasons, while others have spent a large portion of their lives in the wilderness. Being in the wilderness does not mean you are lost. Sometimes we are not ready for the promises God has planned for us. We must come in close relationship with Him so that we may learn His will for our lives.
