Discover Your True SelfÀpẹrẹ

Discover Your True Self

Ọjọ́ 3 nínú 7

You are Valuable 

Where do you look for your significance? Our search for identity is closely related to the search for significance, because we can’t know how valuable we are until we know who we are. We all look for our identity in certain people or things from time to time. Breaking out of this trap of performing to gain people’s approval demands we identify false patterns in our beliefs and behavior.

The most beautiful, liberating thing that can happen to us is to realize that God made us the way we are for a reason and we have no need to be anything or anyone else. We are free to say no to the lies. When we do, we grow into our unique selves and become very attractive simply for who we are. That’s God’s design for us.

In addition to your relationship with God as being chosen and adopted; you are also redeemed. Ephesians goes on to say, “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that He lavished on us” (Ephesians 1:7–8).

Redemption means that you are purchased by God and are His infinitely precious and treasured possession. Redemption is not about your performance, nor does it have anything to do with other people’s approval. Only your heavenly Father’s opinion matters.

But what defines you? Is it experiences or feelings or is it the truth that God declares above them? God’s opinion of you is reality. If you want to know your true self, you must anchor yourself in His Word. Radical transformations take time and require an intentional, systematic process. This is a journey for all of us, an ongoing, replenishing process of identifying the lies, calling them what they are, and replacing them with truth. 

The more we engage in this process, the more the truth sinks into our hearts. Mental assent is just the beginning; we change when the truth affects us emotionally and works its way into our words and actions. 

Read the following slowly and aloud: “I am the precious treasure of my heavenly Father. I am loved and valued forever. My future is not dependent on what anyone else thinks, what anyone else does, or what anyone else says is right. I am holy, beloved, blessed with every spiritual blessing, chosen, and adopted. I’ve been redeemed.” Write it down. Reread it. Allow it to renew your mind and ask God for His help in replacing the lies with this truth. 

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Discover Your True Self

God’s desire for us is that we know and live out our true identity in Christ. An identity formed by His Word and secured through His resurrection that shatters the lies and distorted images we believe. Building from the apostle Paul’s writing in Ephesians, pastor and author Chip Ingram opens your eyes to the new you that God sees, the person who is valued, forgiven, and called with purpose.
