This Is Your ComebackÀpẹrẹ

This Is Your Comeback

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 Imposter Syndrome:

“a mental pattern of which a person doubts their accomplishments or talents and has constant internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud”.

You are in the fight. You get knocked down and think that is the end for you. But suddenly you feel strength flow to you. You get up and back into the fight. At the end, they tally up the score and announce you as the winner. Initially you’re excited, but then that inner voice begins to speak up again saying: 

You know you didn’t REALLY win, right?

Everyone sees how weak you really are!

There is nothing to you. That’s why you keep getting knocked down.

I remember after one of the biggest mental, emotional and physical fights of my life, it was like God began opening up doors right away for me in different venues that would allow for the gifts he had given me to be on display. 

I had speaking, teaching, and writing opportunities I had once prayed for suddenly manifest. I was so excited but found myself paralyzed with fear, because all I could think about was if I was really capable. I started walking through the doors, but with each step I took, I couldn’t help but feel like I was living experiences meant for someone else, someone better. 

How could this be my assignment? How could someone with my past and sometimes present be here? I felt like I had opened a package of goodies that I would soon realize was addressed to someone else.  

We have to be careful in circumstances like this because we will project our own negative feelings onto God. Yet, He sees us exactly how He created us: fearfully and wonderfully made. God sees us, He knows us (flaws and all) and yet He still chooses us. 

The assignment might seem big but that is because He never intended for us to do it alone. Every bit of our purpose was designed with His assistance in mind. 

You are not an imposter. You are a child of God. 

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Nípa Ìpèsè yìí

This Is Your Comeback

We all hit challenging seasons in life that can be difficult and even seem impossible to get through—difficult times that leave us wondering if the foundation that we have been standing on is as reliable as we once believed. We may find ourselves feeling defeated and disconnected but in those moments we must understand that God is right there waiting to reestablish us. It’s time for your comeback.
