Learning From the ShadowsÀpẹrẹ

Learning From the Shadows

Ọjọ́ 2 nínú 7

Not Everyone Eats And Drinks From Christ

1 Corinthians 10:3–4 says “They all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ.”

Even though they were eating spiritual food—the manna—it was also physical food, since it nourished their bodies as well. What was taking place in the old covenant was a foreshadowing of Christ, who is the bread from heaven. They were seeing the rock physically, but Paul says it was spiritual and it was Christ. 

They physically were eating and drinking, but they were also eating and drinking from Christ every day, even though they did not know that. Everyone would eat and drink, but only two spiritually benefited by that food, Christ, which produced life, strength, tenure, and health.  

It is the same nowadays. Many people eat and drink from Christ without knowing it, but very few receive all the benefits. Many can read the Bible, but not everyone will eat and drink from Christ. Many can pray in the morning, but not everyone can hear Christ speaking to them. Many can listen to the same message, but not everyone can perceive Christ. Many can sing in their congregation or at their homes, but they are not necessarily worshipping Christ by doing so. 

The people of Israel depended on the manna and the rock that was Christ. Every day they would eat and drink from Christ, but they never understood why they were taken from Egypt, so the manna and the rock were just part of a daily routine for them. This routine then became meaningless, even though in reality it was a great miracle; they could not see that—for them, it became a mundane thing. Christ became mundane to them. 

There were not many options on the way to the Promised Land. They did not have as many options as we have nowadays. We can choose what to eat; the people of Israel had the same menu every day. They would eat manna or nothing at all. When we possess our inheritance we either eat from Christ or we do not possess our inheritance at all—there is no other way. The only way to possess our inheritance is Christ, and Christ alone. 

Feeding our soul does not produce life. When we feed our souls we are feeding our emotions, our natural senses, our daily desires with motivational speeches, emotional words, enjoyable messages, and a pleasant atmosphere, but they are not built upon the rock that is Christ.

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Ọjọ́ 1Ọjọ́ 3

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Learning From the Shadows

The people of Israel went through two very important events that identified them as a unique nation. The first one was the crossing of the Red Sea which opened the way to freedom from Pharaoh’s threats. The second event took place when they experienced the protection and the presence of the cloud over them. What can we learn from these shadows? Let’s uncover the riches hidden in the shadows.
