Start Where You AreÀpẹrẹ

Start Where You Are

Ọjọ́ 7 nínú 7


As the dark settled around me, fear took hold of my soul. I couldn’t recognize my surroundings, and my hope of finishing my army training navigation test faded faster than the waning daylight. I’d lost my map. Anxiety took over. Desperate, I stopped in my tracks. I couldn’t rely on marks on a paper, but I could remember the remarks of my sergeant. The diamond in the sky doesn’t lie. 

It clicked in my brain. 

Could that “diamond in the sky” be the North Star? If so, I knew the North Star stays true. I followed that star through the woods all night, it proved faithful, and I completed the course. 

Like the North Star, God’s faithfulness never fades. We can trust that even in the twists and turns of life, God’s in control, and He’s forever faithful. He will never break a promise to His children (Numbers 23:19). You are His child. Allow your heart to know His love is true, truer than the North Star. He’s made it possible for you to enjoy His presence right now, fully. Faithfulness is at the very core of God’s character.

Woven throughout the Scriptures are stories of ordinary people who believed in the extraordinary God, the true diamond in the sky who cannot lie. They were faithful to Him, regardless of what they had seen, heard, or even felt; irrespective of who was with them; and despite who was against them. No matter how awful or awesome the circumstances, they trusted God and experienced His faithfulness.

Abel offered a pure sacrifice by faith and was commended as righteous by God.

Noah obeyed God’s command to build the ark and spared his family from the floods.

Abraham obeyed God and left his land for a new land where God made his “descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky” (Genesis 22:17).

Jacob’s faith was rewarded when God gave him a son named Joseph who would save millions of people, both Israelites and Egyptians.

Moses led the people of Israel out of slavery and into freedom.

Rahab, a prostitute, welcomed God’s spies, saving her family from the fall of Jericho.

I could go on. The point is that all of these people were quite ordinary but did extraordinary things because they trusted God’s faithfulness and allowed Him to work marvelous wonders in their lives. God’s faithfulness calls us out of the ordinary and toward the extraordinary.


Lord, may I continue to grow in faithfulness and be used faithfully for Your glory in all that I do. Your kingdom come, Your will be done.

Ọjọ́ 6

Nípa Ìpèsè yìí

Start Where You Are

How do you describe your relationship with God? Whatever your answer, God meets you exactly where you are. Sharing his story of spiritual drifting, popular online pastor Rashawn Copeland encourages you to accept yourself as a glorious work in progress, a beloved child, a person on the brink of revival. Anchoring everything in Scripture, Rashawn asks that you allow God to take you where He wants you to go.
