A Life Without FearÀpẹrẹ

A Life Without Fear

Ọjọ́ 5 nínú 7

Day 5: God’ Patience 

The first paragraph of this passage has you cheering that Gideon has overcome his fear and is ready to take on the Midianites, summoning his entire clan to join in the fight. Right in the middle of the paragraph we are told, “Then the Spirit of the Lord came on Gideon, and he blew a trumpet, summoning the Abierzrites to follow Him.”

This one sentence is rich in meaning.

First, note that the Spirit of God falls on Gideon. This is exactly what God had promised. God is with Him, and now empowering him. And Gideon takes charge! 

Second, instead of cowering in a winepress, afraid of the Midianites, Gideon is ready to take them on. So much so, he is able to rally his people to launch a revolt against their oppressors and free Israel from the control of the Midianites. 

This is the moment. Breakthrough. No more fear or doubt.


Right when you think Gideon has turned the corner, he hesitates. He’s back doubting God. I love that first line of the second paragraph, “If you will save Israel by my hand as you have promised…”

Whaaaat? Gideon’s question shows just how conflicted he is. He knows that God has PROMISED to deliver Israel by Gideon’s hand. But Gideon’s faith falters. Fear and doubt replace his faith and he is back to “If you will save…”

As you read this passage you can’t help but think that God must be rolling His eyes. Really? After all that God has taken Gideon through… right at the moment of truth… Gideon falters. Will Gideon ever really trust God to deliver on His promise? 

Gideon’s request is extraordinary. He wants God to go against nature to show He really will keep His word. And he doesn’t ask just once, but he asks God for such a sign again… even though God worked the first miracle Gideon asked for. 

What I love about this part of Gideon’s story is God’s patience. Over and over throughout this story we’ve witnessed the nature of God’s infinite patience. And at this moment, Gideon knows he is stretching things with God asking for so much. He is revealing just how deep-seated his fear and doubt really are. 

And God meets him right where he is… without judgment. 

God knows your doubt and fear. He knows the depth of what you struggle with. And doesn’t judge you for that. Instead, He patiently walks with you through that struggle gently pulling you closer, showing Himself faithful. He wants you to replace your fear and doubt with an unshakable faith in Him.

Now you may be thinking, “Shoot, I’d trust God if He performed these kinds of miracles in my life!” He has. You and I just fail to acknowledge how He has faithfully shown up over and over in those moments when we can’t explain it any other way.

But that’s not really the point. God has shown Gideon that He is able to deliver beyond Gideon’s wildest expectation. And through Gideon’s story God is showing you and me that nothing is too great for Him and that He is indeed able to deliver beyond our expectation. Nothing is too great for Him.

And when you and I believe that, it destroys all doubt and fear.

Where are you today? Is your fear greater than your faith? Do you doubt that God will really come through? Do what Gideon did and take that doubt straight to God and tell Him just how you feel.

You will be stunned by just how patient He is with you as you work through your fears and doubts. And if you are truly open to it, He will guide you to that place of true breakthrough. 

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A Life Without Fear

The most frequently repeated command in Scripture is: Do not be afraid. God’s people are told over and over not to fear. Why? Because if you and I are honest, we have a problem with fear. In this 7-day plan, we explore the story of Gideon and the keys to living a life without fear. Dive in and begin extinguishing the doubts that get in the way of your faith!
