Joy and StrengthÀpẹrẹ

Joy and Strength

Ọjọ́ 1 nínú 10

 A Healthy Dose of Gratitude

Are you needing a boost of joy and strength for your day? Try adding a healthy dose of gratitude to your routine. Include a time of praise and worship as you exercise; post five things you’re thankful for on social media, your bathroom mirror, or your household white board; or share what you most appreciate from your day over dinner with someone you love. The method doesn’t matter as much as establishing the habit—a habit of praise.

God’s gifts don’t need fancy packaging to qualify for gratitude. Most of life happens in the small surprises and simple pleasures. That means anything counts! From an extra-long hug from your child, to another driver letting you in front of them during a rough commute, to trying on a beautiful new shade of lipstick or enjoying a taste of chocolate after a good meal, God’s goodness is all around. We just need to be watching for it. 

A thankful heart can’t help but mine deeper and deeper for the gems that are within each new day. Likewise, a grateful mind keeps looking higher and higher, above life’s difficulties or frustrations, to the One who is above it all. Even on our worst days, we can thank God because we trust that He sees the bigger picture, and He has good plans for us. There’s really nothing like a healthy dose of gratitude. Don’t go a day without it!

Lord, I choose to be mindful of the blessings You’ve built into my day. From the greatest miracle to what seems ordinary, I know these blessings come from You.

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Joy and Strength

Set out on a 10-day journey to find overwhelming peace, a peace that only comes from resting in God's joy and relying on His strength and loving resources every day.
