Joshua Study - Practical Lessons For Biblical Leadership Àpẹrẹ

Joshua Study - Practical Lessons For Biblical Leadership

Ọjọ́ 3 nínú 3

“Joshua Study - How to Avoid the Devastation of Assumptions”

After the Israelites had successfully crossed the Jordan River and entered into the land of Canaan, they encountered their first stronghold (the city of Jericho). Joshua, who was a brilliant military strategist, knew that the only way God's promise of occupying the land could come to fruition was if they trusted God. He knew that a divine promise required divine intervention.

As Joshua sought Him, God was extremely faithful to provide Joshua with instructions for military success. For seven days, the Israelites marched until dusk around the city’s fortified gates, blowing their trumpets and praising God. On the seventh day, the city’s walls collapsed and the Israelites conquered the land. No one could deny that God was with them. What lesson can we derive from their time at Jericho? 

God granted Joshua and the Israelites success because they faithfully sought His instruction and then obeyed it. And God will do the same for you and me as we seek and obey Him. We must remember that obedience to God is always a prelude to success. 

On the other hand, the Israelites’ attempt to conquer the city of Ai was disastrous. After Joshua asked his warriors to assess Ai and determine a military strategy, they reported back with the following (paraphrased) statement: “We can handle them. Just take 3,000 soldiers and the city will be ours.” Joshua sent his warriors and they suffered a humiliating defeat. Why? Because Joshua did not include God. Instead he chose to trust his own ideas, and the Israelites suffered because of it. Joshua made the assumption that God would simply provide success as He had done before regardless of whether he sought the Lord or not.

Assumptions are dangerous, especially when we attempt to manufacture what we think God will say or do without actually seeking His instruction. When we become over-confident in our own abilities, experiences, and talents, we can be easily deceived into thinking that God will take the passenger seat while we charge ahead. 

What leads us as humans to make assumptions?

1) We like to be in control, and with pride and arrogance we take charge and follow our own agenda. 

2) We think that we know what God will do. He did something one way in the past, so of course He will provide in that same way again. 

How can we avoid making assumptions?

1) Avoid pride and pray for humility. 
2) Ask questions. Don’t assume you know what others think or what God thinks without first asking them. 
3) Recognize that God knows all, and including Him in our choices is extremely wise. 
Ọjọ́ 2

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Joshua Study - Practical Lessons For Biblical Leadership

This three-day devotional is full of practical insight for any leader seeking to honor and obey the Lord through the application of scripture. This devotional offers multiple lessons covering the following topics: wise decision-making, how to avoid the danger of assumptions, how to confront the unknown through faith and courage, and how to successfully lead your team to triumph through the grace of Jesus Christ.
