Galatians 6: Living Your Best LifeÀpẹrẹ

Galatians 6: Living Your Best Life

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Usually Paul dictated his letters to a scribe, but in this case he wrote to the Galatians in his own handwriting. We have no idea why, nor can we be sure as to what he means by his comment, ‘see with what large letters I am writing...’ It could be that he had some eye ailment and couldn’t see very well, or he may have been injured and found writing difficult. 

On the other hand, he may have deliberately written the letter himself in especially large letters, so that the Galatians would know that it really was an authoritative letter from Paul the Apostle himself.

In his final comments Paul attacks, yet again, these enemies of the Gospel —these ‘trouble-makers’. He highlights the fact that their motives were selfish. They wanted the Galatians to submit to this Jewish ritual of circumcision only because it would save them from persecution (verse 12). 

They knew that the preaching of the cross, and the cross only, invited bitter persecution from the traditional Jews. They certainly didn’t want to get caught up in that! So then, if only these non-Jewish Galatians would be circumcised, then the Jews could no longer object to their Christian beliefs! It would be clear to everyone then, that the Galatians observed the Jewish rituals associated with their law.

As we have already seen, Paul was not going to give an inch on this matter! He points out that these ‘troublemakers’ were not sincere because they didn’t even keep the law themselves! (verse 13). They were only trying to get the Galatians to do this so that they would have some hold over them which they could then boast about.

As for Paul, he will not boast in anything except the cross of Christ (verse 14). Even though he knows that this cross is foolish and stupid to people—he will rejoice in it. He knows that God has placed this cross in the centre of history and that it is the key to man’s salvation. It is God’s way of salvaging lost men and women. 

He is not ashamed of it. Nor is he afraid of the persecution which will inevitably come from preaching and believing in the cross. On the contrary, he glories in the cross!

Has it ever occurred to you that you will glory (boast) in something? It may be your superior ability at school, or your sporting skill, or your achievements in music, or your good looks, or your quick and clever way with words! It could be any one of a number of things. You may even glory in it secretly. 

Well, Paul made up his mind that he dared not glory in anything except the cross. Since the cross was the most significant event in all history, then that’s what he should count as more important than anything else. The cross is the centre of his life.

For us to glory in anything other than the cross means that we have never really understood it as being of great importance. Think very long and hard about that! Also. in the light of my comments above, look up Romans 1:16 and I Corinthians 1:17-3l, and work out what these verses are saying.

Others boast in circumcision, Paul boasts in the cross. By it, the evil world system (Galatians 1:4) has been destroyed in its power to enslave him, and his own guilt, and sin has been judged. He is free from both! He can now be the true person God created him to be! 

As for obeying laws or not obeying laws, neither position will save anyone. The real issue is that God, through the cross, makes us new creations! (verse 15). It is grace that counts—it is God taking the initiative in salvaging us when we could do nothing of ourselves, and bringing us to new birth, so making us new persons (see John 3:3; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Titus 3:5-6). 

And He does it through the cross—through the death and resurrection of Jesus. That’s why Paul glories in the cross, and nothing else. His whole new life in the Spirit hinges on the event of that cross.

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Nípa Ìpèsè yìí

Galatians 6: Living Your Best Life

Don’t give up! Keep on doing good. Don’t get tired in doing what you know is right, because in the end you will receive the reward—you’ll reap the harvest. God has His right time.
