How Can I Become a Leader in My ChurchÀpẹrẹ

How Can I Become a Leader in My Church

Ọjọ́ 5 nínú 7

Desiring to Lead Ably 

Often, we want to serve in the church. We want to lead. However, we feel that we do not have the right type of gift. For example, if we do not like public speaking or cannot sing, we feel that there are no leadership positions for us in God’s Kingdom. That is not true. The Bible compares a church to a human body: every member has a gift and every member has a purpose. Each gift has a unique function. Teaching and worship leading are not the only leadership areas in a local church. 

The Scriptures list many gifts a Christian can use in leadership. For example, you can be a gifted administrator and organize all the logistics of your church. You can be gifted in financial management and help the church with their accounting and budget decisions. You can be gifted in giving and lead a church outreach to the poor and the needy of your neighborhood. You can be a gifted evangelist and lead others in your congregation to share the Gospel with their family members, friends, and neighbors. 

There are many gifts God gives the Body of Christ through its members. If you are a member of the Lord’s Kingdom, you definitely have a gift, so you can lead. Leadership means going in front of others and showing them the way to follow. You can lead people in your congregation in whatever area God has given you gifts and abilities. God wants you to lead ably. The Lord desires for you to lead according to the unique gift He gave you before the foundation of the world. 

If you are not sure what your gift or ability is, pray to the Lord and reach out to your pastor. The Lord and your spiritual leader will help you determine your area of giftedness, the sphere of life in which you do well enough to lead well. Your ministry might be as simple as being a good wife or a good husband. You can lead a parenting class. God enabled you to lead. He chose you to be a part of His Kingdom before He created this world. Ask Him to show you which of your abilities He wants to use for His glory.  

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Nípa Ìpèsè yìí

How Can I Become a Leader in My Church

The Lord gave gifts to every person. Every Christian can lead in God’s church. The desire to lead in the Kingdom is a noble desire. However, to lead in God’s church efficiently we must do it with a noble motive, humbly and faithfully. Our elders can also affirm the gift of God in us. We should lead according to our ability, willingly and with a servant heart.
