Luke - Your Kingdom ComeÀpẹrẹ

Luke - Your Kingdom Come

Ọjọ́ 5 nínú 7

A Lesson in Prayer

In a very poignant moment, Jesus’s disciples ask him to teach them to pray. They had just watched him pray, a practice they had no doubt witnessed repeatedly. But at this moment, one of them, wanting to learn even more of their master and mentor, asks to be taught. Jesus complies, and then like a master class instructor, he provides the steps and shows them how to apply what he has taught them. 

Jesus’s model prayer begins with honoring God the Father and recognizing that God’s will and reign are sovereign over everything. It asks God not only for day-to-day provision but also for forgiveness as we engage with others daily. The prayer ends with a plea for protection from being tempted.

Jesus shows his disciples the importance of sustained prayer. He explains that just as we might ask a parent or friend for a favor and it is granted, when we come before God in prayer, we are coming to our Father who loves us beyond comprehension. He knows what we need even before we ask. 

God our Father is passionate about us. God’s love may provide us with an answered prayer, an unsolicited gift, a word of knowledge, or even enough adversity to drive us back to depending on him when we stray. God is a good Father whose gift to us of the Holy Spirit surpasses any gift we could ever desire. 

So, what is it that is troubling your heart today? Ask your heavenly Father that his will be done in your life. That is the best way to pray. It shows an incommensurable level of faith and trust; faith because you understand that God is capable of everything, and trust because, in his infinite wisdom, he knows what is best for you.


Reflect on your prayer life. Do you spend enough time talking to and listening to God? What lesson would you like God to teach you? 


Lord, remind me that I am never too old to learn more about your commands. 


God is omniscient and all-wise, and that is why he does not always give us everything for which we ask. Think of times when you prayed for something that you later found out would have been detrimental to your well-being. Give thanks for God’s wisdom. 

Father, thank you for your constant care of me. Let me learn more of you each day so that my spirit may be strengthened.  

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Luke - Your Kingdom Come

Are you ready to start a life-changing journey? Experience and walk with Jesus through chapters eight to fourteen of the gospel according to Luke. Witness the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth. Discover who Jesus is, why he came to earth, what his message was, and what he wants you to do. Your discovery will impact your family, friends, and community.
