10 Days To A Better Back To SchoolÀpẹrẹ

10 Days To A Better Back To School

Ọjọ́ 5 nínú 10

Proverbs 22:6-7

Train up a child in the way he should go, when he is old he will not turn from it.  The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

This principle sounds so easy, but in the “real world,” it is hard to accomplish. It is hard because when “life” gets moving, it is just easier and faster to make our children’s beds for them. It is easier to dress our three-year-old than to wait on our Pokey Little Puppy. It is easier to pick up our children’s shoes, or put away the toys, or do that third-grade school project. (Sure, the child is there watching you DO the project, so the child is “helping,” right?) But, read verse 7: “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” Why is that verse even included here?  

I believe if we, as moms, DO everything for our child, our child will grow up and be poor! Please hear my heart. How can your child become a success when he becomes an adult if you have done EVERYTHING for him his whole life? When your child hits the age of 21, a switch is not going to flip. He will not suddenly become ambitious, hard-working, a great money manager, and leader. NO, these traits are learned and developed over time. You, as a mom, need to TRAIN up your child, and THEN when he is old he will not depart from them.

You may be thinking, “When do I start this process?” You start as early as you can.  Even preschoolers can start learning to “help” mom out around the house. Great character traits won’t just happen in your children…you must teach and train!  



Please give me the discipline to train up my child. Help me to see past today and work with my child for his future. Thank You for Your wisdom in the Bible and for showing me how to parent in a wise way. Amen.

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10 Days To A Better Back To School

Going back to school raises many emotions for moms. Some moms have been counting down the days until school resumes, while others wish that the lackadaisical days of summer would go on forever. For the next ten days author Karen Stubbs, founder of Birds on a Wire Moms, will walk you through Scripture exploring fear, time management, priorities, and more to prepare your heart for the school year ahead.
