Parenting On Purpose (Part 2)Àpẹrẹ

Parenting On Purpose (Part 2)

Ọjọ́ 1 nínú 4

Day 1: The Atmosphere of Your Home Matters

Jalene: Think back for a moment. Imagine the feeling you had as a child or teen walking into your childhood home. Did it feel empty? Warm and Inviting? Did you want to bring your friends there? The atmosphere you create in your home is a magnet for your kids that can either draw them in or push them out the door! It was important to me to create an intentional atmosphere to draw our children in.

For a season of my life I embraced the convenience of the bread machine (while overlooking the space it took up on my counter). Recently my grown children were conversing about their growing up years, and my son said “I loved walking in the door everyday after school to the smell of fresh baked bread”. They all agreed. But not for a moment do I believe the bread machine was the reason they loved walking in the door (though obviously it left an impression).

1 Peter 4:8 says “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.” Love covers a multitude of sins. Love is the magnet that draws them in. None of us can do this parenting thing perfectly, but we can all work towards creating an atmosphere of love in our homes, and that goes a long way.

Macy: Growing up our house was the hangout house. Not only did I love being there, but so did my friends. Every single weekend there was some kind of gathering at our house. When it wasn’t me, it was my siblings before me. Looking back, it must have cost my mom a fortune in food. But some of my best memories are when me and all my friends would lay on the floor in our living room talking to my mom about all of the things going on in each of our lives. The atmosphere in our home felt like a place that we could open up and be honest about things, and be met with love and wisdom. Nothing has to be fancy, it just has to be real. You don’t need a big house, you just need to be willing to make room in your home. Open the door. People go where they feel needed and known, and what is better than having that place be your home?

Action Step: Prepare yourself, rid yourself of defensiveness, and then ask your children (if age appropriate) what they consider the mood of your home to be. Ask them how it could improve.

Ọjọ́ 2

Nípa Ìpèsè yìí

Parenting On Purpose (Part 2)

This four-day devotional is written from the unique perspective of both mother and daughter. It takes biblical principals and applies them to parenting in practical ways while giving the perspective of how those principals impacted the daughter as a child and a teen.
