The Lord Who Heals YouÀpẹrẹ

The Lord Who Heals You

Ọjọ́ 21 nínú 21


1 Corinthians 11:24 “Take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me

When God institutes something, it has a divine purpose and divine power attached to it to bring that purpose to pass. In Communion, God’s purpose is that you will receive the benefits of the Cross, notably forgiveness, healing and deliverance, and when taken in faith, His power comes to do just that. There is a greater power released when we do it with the elements, than just standing in faith alone for a breakthrough. The bread and the wine may only be symbols of the Body and Blood of Jesus, but as you identify the symbols with Christ, God responds as if it were actually Jesus’ Body and Blood.

In 1 Corinthians 11:29,30 it can sound like God is judging us for not taking it properly. This is not the case but rather, when we fail to discern the body of the Lord or take Communion in an attitude that is not of faith or love, we fail to receive the benefits it provides leaving us sick.

It’s not a judgement on those who haven’t received healing but it is an exhortation to all of us to better understand what incredible power God has made available to us.

Jesus’ body was ‘broken’ with sin, sickness and disease, and every time that we take the bread in Communion we are to remember, or meditate on the fact that ‘surely He bore our sicknesses and carried our pains’ and receive by faith the healing that He has provided for us. 

The more we see that God is the Healer, see what Jesus did for us in taking our sicknesses and pains, discerning His body, the more healing is released. The Holy Spirit moves on the revelation of Jesus.

Many Christians believe that Communion is solely for us to remember that Jesus died for our sins but, if that were the case, there would be no need for us to take the bread. Only the shedding of Blood can atone for sin, represented by the wine. The bread is for the healing of your body.

Let us rightly discern the Lord’s body and declare it, ‘proclaiming His death until He comes’ and then simply receive His power that flows in this God ordained moment.

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Ọjọ́ 20

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The Lord Who Heals You

Jesus provided healing for us just as much as forgiveness through His finished work of the Cross. God has not made this difficult to receive but a simple faith that focuses on seeing Jesus and what He has already done for you, positions you for the power of God that is enough to heal 'every kind of sickness and every kind of disease'.
