How Christ Offers Freedom From PornographyÀpẹrẹ

How Christ Offers Freedom From Pornography

Ọjọ́ 3 nínú 5

Porn is Not the Only Problem

While watching pornography is a big problem, the bigger problem is what it does to the viewer’s heart. The sin doesn’t stop once you walk away from the screen because of the way pornography affects the heart.

When we lust after another person, we treat them like an object that exists fully for our own desire. It’s selfish. It’s envious, and it’s destructive to our relationships, our views of other people, and our views of ourselves. During his earthly ministry, Christ related lust to adultery, saying that if someone even looks at another person with lustful intent, they have already committed adultery in their heart. 

With this statement, Christ makes it clear that viewing pornography connects with many other sins as well. While viewing pornography is most obviously an act of sexual immorality, it also can lead to greed, selfishness, envy, and other sins by the way it triggers our lustful minds. 

Likewise, Paul reminds us that our bodies are the holy dwelling places of the Lord. When we use our bodies to sin, like we do with pornography, we dishonor God with the gifts He has given us. Even worse, the gift cost him His life, and when we live in sin, we blatantly ignore the power of His death. 

As you read over the through today’s scriptures, pray that God would empower you to walk in His ways. Pray that He would cause your view of others and your view for your body to align with His will. 

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