7 Keys To Experience Divine AccelerationÀpẹrẹ

7 Keys To Experience Divine Acceleration

Ọjọ́ 2 nínú 7

This attitude will accelerate your life…

Like me, have you ever been touched by the radiant attitude of someone entering a room? 

One day, when my wife and I came into a hospital, a patient came up to us to thank us. She didn’t know us, but she deliberately came to express her gratitude because our attitude had touched her.

The best attitude is gratitude. When we’re thankful to God for everything that He has given us, our lives become a blessing.

Sometimes, our lives are difficult. They may even reach the point where they’re difficult to bear, and the pain is real. But our God isn’t finished with us! His mercies are new every morning, and thanking Him creates an atmosphere in us and around us. We do ourselves good, and those around us benefit too.

Good news: gratitude is a learning experience! The apostle Paul said, “Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have.” (Philippians 4:11)

Think of Paul and Silas who...in the middle of the night, in the pit of a dungeon, after being beaten...were singing God’s praises. God transformed their gratitude into an earthquake and an extraordinary blessing. So much so that the jailer and his family got baptized that night! (see Acts 16:22-36)

The second key to experiencing divine acceleration is therefore...demonstrating gratitude at all times. Thankfulness makes our lives a blessing. And this blessing starts in you but will also extend to others! 

I invite you to practice this from today onwards. Start to be thankful for the things you have, even those that seem smallest to you. This evening, write them down in your notebook of gratitude and go to sleep with a heart filled with thankfulness. And tomorrow morning, do the same thing! As for me, I do this every morning and evening in order to make each day a miracle.

I wish you a blessed and beautiful day! 

Thanks for existing!
Eric Célérier

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7 Keys To Experience Divine Acceleration

This week, we’re going to see together how to experience divine acceleration. When God accelerates things in our lives, it’s to bring us further, cause us to enter into His plan. Over the next several days, we will discover the behaviors and attitudes that facilitate acceleration. I hope that you will be blessed throughout these days!
