Journey To The ResurrectionÀpẹrẹ

Journey To The Resurrection

Ọjọ́ 11 nínú 11

"Greetings," the risen Christ's first word to the women at His empty tomb, is "Rejoice!" in the Greek (Matthew 28:9).

Why should you accept God's love on Good Friday and His joy on Resurrection Sunday?

1. The resurrection makes possible our salvation.

Three times Jesus predicted He would die and rise: Matthew 16:21; 17:23; 20:19.

If Jesus had not been raised from the dead, He would be a liar. Then He could not be the sinless, perfect Son of God. Jesus' death could pay for our sins only if He did not owe a debt for His own sins.

Without the resurrection, Jesus' death would be the consequence of His deception and could not atone for us. And we would still be lost in our sins, without any way to pay for them except to be separated eternally from God.

At the resurrection, Jesus kept His word as the sinless Son of God, the atoning sacrifice for our sins.

Accept that gift. Ask Him to forgive your sins and failures and become your Lord and God.

2. Easter proves the truthfulness of God's word.

The Bible specifically predicted how the Messiah would die and be raised again. (See the passages at the end of Day 1.)

If Holy Week had not happened exactly as it did, the Bible would be wrong. If Jesus had not died and been raised exactly as He was, God's word would be false. Because of Holy Week, we know the opposite is true: Scripture is the very word of God—authoritative, trustworthy, and reliable in every way.

3. The first resurrection guarantees ours.

If God could not raise His Son from the grave, He could not raise us from it. His rising proves His word: “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die” (John 11:25–26).

Because of the resurrection, those you love who have died in Christ didn't die spiritually. They never spent a moment in the grave — and neither will you.

When you close your eyes here, you open them there.

Your last breath here is your first breath there.

This is the Easter promise of God, made before the world was created and fulfilled when God sent His son to die for you.

From the Garden of Eden to the Garden of Gethsemane.


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Journey To The Resurrection

How can you be sure that Easter really happened? Or that what God accomplished at Easter truly grants us salvation? Over the next ten days, allow Dr. Jim Denison to guide you through the Easter promise of God, from the Garden of Eden to the Garden of Gethsemane.If you’ve ever wondered why Easter happened the way it did, this is the devotional for you.
