Towards A Closer Walk With God By Trevor HudsonÀpẹrẹ

Towards A Closer Walk With God By Trevor Hudson

Ọjọ́ 5 nínú 5

Our Deepest Longing

There is a phrase that we often hear, which goes something like this: “There is something missing.” More often than not, these words are spoken by those who outwardly seem to have so much going for them. They may have a family, drive a nice car, go on vacations, enjoy good friendships and earn lots of money, yet deep down there is a persistent voice that whispers to them about the emptiness in their souls. 

Whenever we hear these words, they remind us of one profound longing that underlies all the others. Put bluntly, this deepest longing is for God. At the center of our hearts, beneath all the other desires and yearnings, there exists this persistent and intense longing to know God. We should not be surprised, for we have been made by love, in love, to love. We are divinely designed for divine connection. God has made us for Himself, as Augustine once said, and our hearts will always be restless until they find their rest in Him.

Read Psalm 63:1–2 to catch a glimpse of our restless and yearning hearts. This deepest longing is our bus ticket to the way home. 

Place your hand over your heart, feel your heartbeat and pray these simple words: “Lord, rekindle my longing for You.” You may find it helpful to pray these words a few times in your quiet time today, allowing some silence in between so that you can spend time simply resting in your longing for God. Breathe in the love of God that surrounds you.

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Towards A Closer Walk With God By Trevor Hudson

This 5-day reading plan will remind readers that they are deeply loved by God. It emphasizes the importance of finding time in today’s busyness to spend time alone with the Lord. Each day features thoughts on a specific theme (e.g. quiet time; knowing you are divinely inspired) and ends with a Scripture verse. The content for this reading plan is based on Trevor Hudson’s “Towards a Closer Walk with God”.
