Mom Up: A 4-Day Journey Of Hope For MomsÀpẹrẹ

Mom Up: A 4-Day Journey Of Hope For Moms

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Hope for Tired and Weary Souls

Let’s be honest, the phrase “rest in the Lord” seems a bit strange, doesn’t it? Can we find actual rest in a Being that is invisible to us? Shouldn’t our refueling be something we take upon ourselves to achieve? Because resting in the Lord can feel risky. There’s a lot involved when it comes to trusting God, and it is risky because we take the burden off ourselves and place it on Him. We let go of the tangible to plunge into the unknown, trusting we will find the rest we need.

Rest is God’s will and desire for us. He wants us to be still in His presence, confident in His power, and full of His love. He reminded us over and over again in His Word (because as children, we need a lot of reminding!) that when we rest in Him, He will save and strengthen us in our weakness. When I’m feeling exceptionally weary and tired, I have a list of scriptures I read over. Letting these words fill my mind and heart brings me a refueling that a fancy coffee or massage can never provide. 

What does the world teach us? To run to anything and everything but God to quench our thirsty souls. What does God tell us? To rest in Him. When I was in college, there was a dirt road outside of town that I would escape to when I felt overwhelmed with school and work. I would sit at the end of my dirt road overlooking a lake, pray, listen to a worship CD, and rest in the Lord. It was my special place. 

One day a few years back, when I felt drained from taking care of the kids, Brook came home and knew by looking at me that I needed to escape. I got in my car and drove until I found a quiet dirt road. It wasn’t the same road I had escaped to in college, but God still met me there, reminding me that He would meet me wherever I was. And on the days when my children are screaming demands at me—and I can’t get in the car and drive somewhere—I close my eyes and ask God for His strength and His rest (and wonder what in the world I felt overwhelmed about as a college student!). 

Yes, motherhood is exhausting and our flesh screams for something to instantaneously cure our weary bodies and tired souls. But it’s time to realize earthly pleasures will never bring us the rest we desire. Only God will bring true rest to rescue and refuel us. Let Him make you whole, rejuvenated, and new!

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Mom Up: A 4-Day Journey Of Hope For Moms

With practical ideas for building relationships with other moms, grace-filled Scripture reminders, and a healthy dose of humor, Mom Up will help you step out of survival mode and into the abundant life God has for them and their family.
