Exposition Of Ephesians - Chapter 1Àpẹrẹ

Exposition Of Ephesians - Chapter 1

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In the ancient world, civilizations used branding irons to mark livestock as a way to identify ownership. The branding iron would leave an unique mark to let everybody know who the owner was, and they burned it in so that nobody could tamper with it. It left a permanent and authoritative mark that confirmed its authenticity. The brand sealed the livestock.

This carries the same meaning when applied to the Holy Spirit. God placed the Holy Spirit on us as a seal—a permanent mark of ownership. We have transferred kingdoms and now belong to God. This means Satan can’t have you because you have been sealed. And it’s a permanent action. 

When you believe in Christ as your savior, God puts you inside an envelope called Christ. You are “in Christ.” But God also guarantees delivery. He registers the letter and seals it—indicating that He is its owner and the only one qualified to open it. In the same way, believers are sealed by the Holy Spirit. 

Paul also says the Holy Spirit is God’s promise to us—acting like a pledge or down payment for the rest of our inheritance. God placed a little bit of heaven in you now by giving you Holy Spirit as a first installment on a bigger purchase. 

It’s like buying a house. We put a down payment on the house as a promise that we will make the rest of the payments on the mortgage until the house is ours. It’s a promise of future redemption. 

Or it’s like an engagement ring. It’s not the whole thing, but it means there's a big day coming. The engagement rings points to a lifelong commitment. It's a pledge—a down payment. The Holy Spirit is the down payment of your inheritance of eternal life, and He was given to you in anticipation of eternal life with God that is to come.

How does the work of the Holy Spirit as our seal and down payment help answer the question, “Can a believer lose their salvation?”

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Exposition Of Ephesians - Chapter 1

In this 5 Day reading plan, Dr. Tony Evans will journey with you through chapter 1 of Ephesians highlighting 5 key topics: Heavenly Places,  Handpicked, Redemption,  Down Payment, and It’s Already Yours. Through this Week in the Word with Tony Evans, you will become better equipped to grasp that as a chosen, adopted, redeemed child of God you have been blessed “with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 1:3).
