Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 10)Àpẹrẹ

Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement  for Moms (Part 10)

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I was pushing my grocery cart down the bread aisle. You know, that cart with the wobbly wheel that I get every single time. Clicking along, I hear her further down the row. A mom loudly scolding her young child.

“Why are you acting like this? I already told you no! Why won’t you listen to me?! What’s wrong with you?”

She nervously glances around, noticeably embarrassed by her child’s outburst, but really creating her own. She is now parenting for those around her, rather than parenting her own child.

How often do we do the same? We care what others think, and fall into that deep trap, living our life for an audience of people who could really care less. Our pride gets caught up believing our child’s performance in public is connected to our abilities or inabilities as a parent.

Let yourself off that hook, mama. And let your child off, too. Our children are in training. No one needs to be impressed by your parenting abilities or your child’s behavior. You and I both know we mess up all the time.

The next time you are tempted to let others know why your young child is acting out in public, consider saying with a smile, “He is still in training.” Then, speak quietly to your child about what is appropriate, or remove him from the situation. You will feel a little better, and will probably receive a smile of understanding. We need never be embarrassed by our own children. Even our teens are still in training.

God isn’t embarrassed by you or me. We are His precious daughters, and we are still in training, too.

Father, help me to remember that I have only an audience of One, You. Help me remember that I don’t need validation from others, and when I seek that, my parenting is about me rather than my children. Thank You for Your grace, Your understanding, while I am still in training. May I apply Your love and grace to my own children while still directing them into obedience and love for You. Thank You for Your patience with me.

Find Part 11 of this plan here.

Overwhelmed by My Blessings:100 Days of Refocusing Your Heart

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Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement  for Moms (Part 10)

Encouragement from a mom who launched her seven children and lived to tell about it. Part 10 of 12 devotions in this series from Robin Meadows.
