Joe's Table: A Place Where Disabilities Become GiftsÀpẹrẹ

Joe's Table: A Place Where Disabilities Become Gifts

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As a result of a drowning accident that nearly took Joseph’s life, I really felt the heart of God. Once that love became tangible to me, love began to spring from my heart, and the kingdom of God was everywhere I looked. As a parent, I was also transformed. There was a domino effect from me to the rest of my family. In fact, it would be more correct to say God’s immeasurable love enveloped my entire family all at once. 

We all loved Joseph even more than before. To be exact, our eyes and hearts were opened to see how we should truly love Joseph. From then on, no matter who visited our house, I would call Joseph out and proudly introduce him. I couldn’t help doing it—Joseph was now so lovely to me that I wanted everyone to meet him. I would say, “This is Joseph, our eldest son. Joseph, say, hello to everyone.” It had been the opposite before; I would stay and play in his room, never wanting to introduce him to our guests. But now I no longer felt embarrassed. Joseph was perfect in my eyes. 

He must have felt it too, because he suddenly became more cheerful. “Hi, how are you? My name is Joseph. What is your name?” Joseph’s distinct way of greeting people began around this time. I finally learned that Joseph just wanted to greet people and be close to them. How could I have treated such a sociable and friendly boy the way I used to? How could I have hurt his self-esteem like that? I had thought Joseph was incapable of knowing whether people liked or disliked him or whether they were proud or ashamed of him. But all along, he was fully aware of everyone. He was more sensitive than other people; he was even sensitive enough to notice the small changes within our family. 

Around this time, Joseph’s uncontrollable behavior began to calm down. Joseph, who used to be so restless and unsettled, started to practice writing letters of the alphabet quietly at his desk. Furthermore, his teachers began complimenting him. His ability to use language to communicate with others improved little by little. The more he interacted with people, the more he became attentive to what they were saying. He finally began to express himself with just a word or two. He was growing up. I could finally grasp the idea that God had a plan for Joseph’s life. I could also see the beauty in how God created Joseph. He was truly a gift. 

You, Lord, are the God of good things. I praise you for what you are doing in my life. Thank you for turning my sadness to joy. Even when I doubt, I know you are working all things for good. I praise you for that. Amen.  

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Joe's Table: A Place Where Disabilities Become Gifts

In Joe’s Table, Stephanie shares her story of a son birthed in joy and later diagnosed with autism. She faced a long and hard battle raising an autistic son, but the journey made her understand God’s providence and compassion. In these stories you will see examples of heaven’s comfort for mothers who struggle and grieve because their children are different than they expected. Just like Stephanie learned, you will truly see how a disability can become a blessing to teach God’s love.
