Living in Increase (Part 2) - Increase in Loveنمونہ

Living in Increase (Part 2) - Increase in Love

17 دن 28 میں سے

Entertain Others

What I love about good entertainment is that it keeps my attention. I know if a movie is good by whether or not I’m checking the time throughout the showing. I know if I’m having fun at a theme park by whether or not I’m counting down the hours until it’s time to leave.

Entertainment and attention go hand-in-hand. Earlier, we discussed that entertaining people was a way to show them God’s love. While some performers may see entertaining people through song, acting, or dance as a way of expressing God’s love (which is valid for people who have this gifting!), we don’t have to be professional performers to entertain others.

We can entertain others by giving them attention and acknowledging their needs. Our theme verse in Philippians 2 tells us that we should “be humble, thinking of others as better than” ourselves (v.3). Likewise, we should not just “look out only for [our] own interests” but also “take an interest in others, too” (v.4). When we choose to acknowledge others’ interests and give them attention, we entertain them!

It’s impossible to entertain others if we’re living in pride. It takes humility to love others by giving them attention and being interested in their interests. So, today, take Philippians 2:3-4 to heart. Take the pressure off! Don’t try to impress others. Instead, entertain them and care about what they care about!

Emily N. Green

Action Step: In your conversations today, make a point to listen more than you talk. Instead of talking about yourself, ask others about themselves!

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