Strengthen Your Faith #5 He Is the Holy Spiritنمونہ

He who builds
The Holy Spirit is essential to building the Church, which the Bible describes as the “Bride” and the “Body of Christ,” which includes all believers.
Without the Spirit, the Church would have neither life nor unity because He unites, guides, and strengthens every believer, building a single spiritual body.
From the beginning, the Holy Spirit has given the Church the power to grow and to witness. In Acts 2, when the Spirit descends on the disciples on the day of Pentecost, the Church is officially born.
The Spirit fills believers, giving them the courage to speak of Jesus to all the people present. It is from this moment that the Church begins to spread and grow.
The Holy Spirit not only gives life to the Church but also builds it, making it grow and mature.
He gives every believer spiritual gifts for the “common good.”
These gifts, such as wisdom, faith, healing, and prophecy, are not for personal gain but to serve others and strengthen the Church.
The Spirit distributes the gifts to each according to his will, allowing each member of the Body of Christ to contribute to the good of the community.
Paul exhorts believers to maintain the unity of the Spirit with the bond of peace.
The unity of the Church is possible because the Holy Spirit creates a special bond between believers that transcends personal differences.
The task of the Spirit is to continue building and preparing the Church as the “Bride of Christ,” making her holy and without blemish for the day she will meet her Lord.
Thus, thanks to the Holy Spirit, the Church grows, is strengthened, and shines as a testimony of God’s love in the world.
I hope this message has helped you better know the person of the Holy Spirit and encourage you to seek his face and presence.
God bless you.
Pastor Carmelo Orlando
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The Holy Spirit is also called the Consoler because he is the spiritual guide that Jesus promised to his disciples before ascending to heaven. He is the divine presence that dwells in Christians, giving them strength, peace, wisdom, and spiritual charisms to serve God and others. With this plan, we will help you get to know him and seek him to live a full and amazing life.