An Extra Extra Christmasنمونہ

An Extra Extra Christmas

7 دن 28 میں سے

Gifts Fit for a King

When the wise men visited Jesus, they didn’t just come to see Him—they brought gifts that showed who they believed He truly was. Gold represented Jesus as a king, frankincense symbolized His divinity, and myrrh hinted at the sacrifice He would make for us. These gifts weren’t ordinary presents; they were treasures chosen with thought and love, showing their deep respect and understanding of who Jesus was. This reminds us that true worship often includes giving something from the heart, whether it’s our time, our talents, or our love. Like the wise men, we’re invited to bring our best to Jesus, as a response to the incredible gift He’s given us. Worship isn’t just about singing or praying—it’s also about offering Him our lives and choosing to honor Him in all we do. Each time we give with a sincere heart, we’re joining in the wise men’s act of worship.


1. What can you offer to Jesus in worship this Christmas?

2. How does Jesus’ example shape the way you give to others?

3. What gifts or talents has God given you to share?

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An Extra Extra Christmas

God’s extraordinary love came through unexpected events, people, and places. So many headline-worthy theme from the Christmas story that speak to our lives, challenging us to seek, serve, and make room for Jesus, and to live out His hope and peace in our world.
