Psalm 91 God's Umbrella Of Protection 21-Day Devotionalنمونہ

Two-Way Deliverance
For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence. –Psalm 91:3
A fur trapper travels deep into the mountains to bait steel traps in strategic places waiting for some unsuspecting animal to step into the trap. This is a picture of what the enemy does to us. That’s why he is called the trapper! The traps set for us are not there by accident. It is as if your name is on it. They are custom-made, placed, and baited specifically for each one of us. But, like an animal caught in a trap, it is a slow, painful process. You don’t die instantly. You are ensnared until the trapper comes to destroy you.
The enemy knows what will most likely hook us, and he knows exactly which thought to put into our minds to lure us into the trap. That is why Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 2:11 that we are “...not to be ignorant of the schemes (traps) of the enemy.”
God not only delivers us from the snare laid by the trapper (Satan), but according to the last part of verse three, He also delivers us from the deadly pestilence. Webster’s New World Dictionary says pestilence is “any virulent or fatal disease; an epidemic that hits the masses of people—any deadly disease that attaches itself to one's body with the intent to destroy.” But God says, “I will deliver you from the deadly disease that comes with the intent to destroy.”
There are all kinds of enemies: temptations, spiritual enemies, and physical enemies. Do you sometimes feel you have opposition facing you from every side? This verse addresses the enemy’s assignments from both the physical, as well as the spiritual. There are enemies that attack your mind (thoughts), some that attack your body (germs), and some that attack you physically (people). This is your verse that ensures your deliverance from all the varieties of harm.
Notice the two-fold aspect of this deliverance in verse three: from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence. This verse covers being delivered from temptation and being delivered from harm.
Pray Out Loud.
Lord, what an amazing promise! Thank You for delivering me from traps set by the enemy and from deadly pestilence as I put my trust in You. In the name of Jesus. Amen
Pray Psalm 91.
مطالعاتی منصوبہ کا تعارف

How do we protect ourselves and those we love? Psalm 91 is where safety can be found—in the secret place. Nothing in this world can be relied upon as confidently as God’s promises. Want to live a life free from fear? Psalm 91, God’s Umbrella of Protection, 21-Day Devotional guides you through the verses with Peggy Joyce Ruth’s easy-to-understand approach to applying God’s Word in your life.