Psalm 91 God's Umbrella Of Protection 21-Day Devotionalنمونہ

A Mighty Fortress Is My God
His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark. –Psalm 91:4b
It is God’s faithfulness to His promises that is our shield. It is not just our faithfulness! God will be faithful to the promises He has made. When the enemy comes to whisper fearful or condemning thoughts in our mind, we can ward off his attack by saying, “My faith is strong because I know My God is faithful, and His faithfulness is my shield!"
How often I’ve heard people say, “I can't dwell in the shelter of God. I mess up and fall short too many times. I feel guilty and unworthy.” God knows all about our weaknesses. That's why He gave His Son. We can no more earn this protection or deserve it than we can earn or deserve our salvation. The main thing is—if we slip and fall, we must not stay down. Get up, repent, and get back under that shield of protection. Thankfully this verse says it is His faithfulness, not ours, that is our shield.
We must not point to what we’ve done or haven’t done but rather to what Jesus has done for us. We dwell in His shelter by faith in God’s grace (Ephesians 2:8-9). And faith is not hard. It is simply our response to what Jesus has already provided through His Blood. We cannot perform enough good deeds to keep ourselves in His shelter any more than we can do enough to keep ourselves saved. We have to realize we dwell in His shelter, not in our own righteousness, but in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
For by His doing, you are in Christ Jesus who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness... –1 Corinthians 1:30
There is a difference, however, between making an occasional mistake and staying in willful sin. Self-will and rebellion will keep us out of the secret place of protection because self-will is a wall we build between God and us.
Pray Out Loud.
Lord, Thank You for Your unshakable faithfulness. My faith is strong because I know You are faithful. Your faithfulness is my shield. In the name of Jesus. Amen
Pray Psalm 91.
مطالعاتی منصوبہ کا تعارف

How do we protect ourselves and those we love? Psalm 91 is where safety can be found—in the secret place. Nothing in this world can be relied upon as confidently as God’s promises. Want to live a life free from fear? Psalm 91, God’s Umbrella of Protection, 21-Day Devotional guides you through the verses with Peggy Joyce Ruth’s easy-to-understand approach to applying God’s Word in your life.