Тридцять Одна Істина: Ким я є у Христі?Зразок

Thirty-One Truths: Who I Am in Christ

ДЕНЬ 51 З 58

GIVEN ACCESS TO THE FATHER In Christ, we are able to approach God and have relationship with Him. READ: Ephesians 2:18 READ: Romans 5:1-2 and Ephesians 3:8-12 God has not kept us at arm’s length. He is as close to us as His Spirit who dwells within us. God our Father has made a way where there was no way. He opened the door and stands with open arms. Do you come into the presence of the Lord? What are some things that might keep you from spending time with Him? WRONG THINKING: I cannot share my problems with God. He is distant and doesn’t care. RIGHT THINKING: God is close, and I have access to Him! His Spirit lives in me, and I can come to Him with all of my needs.

Про цей план

Thirty-One Truths: Who I Am in Christ

Оглядовий знімок плану показує на те, як послання до Єфесян 1-2 зображує нашу особистість у Христі. Цей план від Thislebend Ministries стимулюватиме нас жити відповідно цій особистості, яку ми отримали в Ньому, більш повно.


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