Тридцять Одна Істина: Ким я є у Христі?Зразок

Thirty-One Truths: Who I Am in Christ

ДЕНЬ 41 З 58

CALLED TO GOOD WORKS Good works are those things done by a believer in Jesus that spring from faith and bring glory to God. READ: Ephesians 2:10 READ: Matthew 5:14-16 and Ephesians 3 God has re-created us in Christ for a reason. He has work for us to do. What are some of the good works that the Lord has for you to do? Are you doing them? WRONG THINKING: God saved me so that I could do whatever I want. RIGHT THINKING: God saved me for a purpose. He wants me to work for Him and bring glory to Him.

Про цей план

Thirty-One Truths: Who I Am in Christ

Оглядовий знімок плану показує на те, як послання до Єфесян 1-2 зображує нашу особистість у Христі. Цей план від Thislebend Ministries стимулюватиме нас жити відповідно цій особистості, яку ми отримали в Ньому, більш повно.


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