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Journey To The Manger

ДЕНЬ 28 З 70

Compelled to Seek

At the time of Christ’s birth, a brilliant new star appeared in the heavens. So powerful was its light that it drew a group of magi from the east to embark on a long journey in search of a King whose coming had been foretold. These were men of great knowledge from western Asia who had spent their lives seeking wisdom as philosophers, priests, and astrologers. Yet, in all of their spiritual seeking, they were hungry for more.

Willing to leave behind their comfortable lives and respected careers, they risked everything to make the dangerous trek through harsh conditions and manifold unknowns. But because their hearts had been captured by this sign that a mighty deliverer had been born, they were compelled to seek until they found Him.

Like the magi, once we come face-to-face with Jesus, we can willingly put aside our human knowledge. In the presence of His eternal wisdom, let us joyfully worship the one we seek.

Activity: Pay it forward! Next time you grab a cup of coffee or a treat, pay for the person behind you in line.

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Про цей план

Journey To The Manger

У тиху ніч 2000 років тому ангели принесли звістку про народження Спасителя групі пастухів, що доглядали свої отари. І почувши цю новину, ті пастухи залишили все, щоб шукати дитину в яслах у Вифлеємі. Багато років потому запрошення не змінилося. Приєднуйтесь до доктора Чарльза Стенлі, і він допоможе вам наблизитися до Спасителя та надихне вас в цьому сезоні відпочити в любові Отця. 


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