Strength for the ChallengeЗразок

Strength for the Challenge

ДЕНЬ 6 З 7

Victory Belongs to God

Saul’s dislike of David began shortly after the king appointed the young man as a military commander. Once, as the army returned from a battle victory, women from the towns of Israel came out to meet King Saul, dancing and singing. That was good. But their song elevated David over the king: “Saul has killed his thousands, and David his ten thousands!” (1 Samuel 18:7 NLT). Saul was not happy. What the king failed to realize was that David’s successes on the battlefield had little to do with David himself—but everything to do with God. The Lord was with David, making him victorious wherever he went. The words of today’s scripture are repeated in 2 Samuel 8:14. We know that David wasn’t perfect. In fact, later in life, he would commit adultery and ultimately arrange the death of the woman’s husband. But he’d been chosen by God to be king, and was described as a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22). All of us have flaws, but God still chooses to work through us. And He empowers us to accomplish what He wills. Keep your focus on the Lord, through prayer and time in His Word. Deny yourself and take up your cross each day (Matthew 16:24). Humbly wait on the Lord, and His victory—whatever form that takes.

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Strength for the Challenge

Guys, you know life can be tough. But never forget that God is strong. This devotional builds off the inspired truth of 2 Corinthians 12:10, “when I am weak, then I am strong.” You’ll be encouraged to seek your daily strength from the all-powerful God through Jesus Christ.
